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City of Roseville, Minnesota <br />CHANGES IN NET POSITION <br />Last Ten Fiscal Years <br />(accrual hasis of accouiztirep� <br />Expenses <br />Governmental activities: <br />Gcncral go�rcmmcnt <br />Public safety <br />Public works <br />Parks and. recreation <br />Economic dcvclopmcnt <br />Interest on longterm debt <br />Tokal governmental activities expenses <br />Business-rype activities: <br />Sc���cr <br />Water <br />Golf <br />Recycling <br />Storm Drninage <br />Total bi�siness-Type uctivities expenses <br />Total primaiy government expenses <br />Program Revenues <br />Governmental activities: <br />Chnrges for eervices: <br />General �overninent <br />Public safety <br />Parky an[1 rccrcution <br />Olher activities <br />Operating grents antl contribations <br />Capital grants and conh�ibutiove <br />Total govenunental acti��ities program revenues <br />Business-type acriviries: <br />Chargcs for Scrviccs: <br />SeK er <br />�Vatcr <br />Golf <br />Rccycling <br />Storm Drainage <br />Operating grants and wntributions <br />Capital grants and contributions <br />Total business-rype activitie� prog�am revenues <br />Total primaiy govemment program revenues <br />Net (expense)/revenue <br />Governmental activities <br />Hnsincss-typc activitics <br />Total primary govc�timcnt nct cxpcnsc <br />General Revenoes and Other Changes in Net Assets <br />Guvernmen�al activi�iet: <br />Taxcs <br />ProperLy Laxes <br />Tux incrcmcnty <br />Cable fianchisetaxes <br />Gambling texcs <br />Crauts and contributions not restricted to specific progruus <br />Unres'fictcd invcsincntcarnin�5 <br />Miscellaneous <br />Unresfictcd nct incrcasc ( in thc Fair valuc of invcsnncnt� <br />Transfers <br />Total go�-einmental acti��ities <br />Business-type activities: <br />Unres'tricted invest�nent earnings <br />Unresh�icted net increase(decrease) in the faa� value of invesnnents <br />Guin un sale of capita.l assets <br />Transfers <br />Total business-rypa activitizs <br />Total pr�nary governmenl <br />Change in Net Position <br />Gowrnmcntal activitics <br />Bueiness-type activiiies <br />Total prii»ary governmen� <br />Table 2 <br />(Page 1 of 2) <br />Unaudited <br />Fiscal Year <br />2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 <br />$ 3,215,084 $ 3,664,716 $ 3,830,314 $ 4,285,715 $ 5,750,773 <br />6,987,914 7,147,499 8,296,894 8,007,67A 8,161,100 <br />4,084,363 4,716,980 4,604,463 4,720,546 4,470,530 <br />3,946,034 4,210,261 4,38Q187 4,935,218 4,77Q793 <br />1,856,151 1,951,016 2,469,226 2,337,776 1,742,174 <br />509,484 427,191 400,498 392,527 5ag,y'70 <br />2Q599,030 22,097.663 23,982,082 24,677.460 24,804.640 <br />2,750,350 3,112,372 3,035,274 3,504,577 3,520,566 <br />4,235,357 4,410,178 4,739,327 4,881,489 5,399,949 <br />333,832 347,153 354,318 344,445 318,890 <br />346,035 36G,769 d43,984 467,847 499,�01 <br />796,605 858,746 826,297 707,675 850,575 <br />8,462,179 9,095,218 9,399.200 9,906,033 70,589,481 <br />$ 29,061,209 $ 31,192,887 $ 33.381,282 $ 34,583,493 $ 35,394,127 <br />$ 2,141,438 $ 2,377,143 $ 2,7U0,261 $ 2,445,389 $ 2,869,645 <br />1,SS5,436 568,337 5F(,,g99 549,931 1,454,107 <br />2,27 Q202 1,946,946 1,926,806 1,765,969 1,9 U, 605 <br />335,795 1,932,849 1,802,012 1,491,065 2,991,563 <br />803,696 881,421 872,349 877,723 819,160 <br />1,413,066 3,182,02 806,147 371,295 1,987,239 <br />8,492,633 10,888,719 8,674,474 7,501,372 12,039,320 <br />2,628,060 2 6A,9S3 2,796,26� 2,893,a60 <br />4,048,162 4,445,284 4,809,523 5,0?A,597 <br />297,202 302,406 31�,372 31Q921 <br />250,537 343,946 387,706 426,249 <br />655,211 667,441 688,715 736,688 <br />97,462 64,216 63,861 66,661 <br />1,1_51 <br />9997,785 8,522.296 9,061,d�W_ 9,458,370 <br />$ 16,470,418 $ 19,410,995 $ 17,735,916 $ 16,959,742 <br />3 OJ0,778 <br />5,744,355 <br />312,200 <br />345,218 <br />812,SJ 1 <br />75,349 <br />9,780.731 <br />$ 21,820,051 <br />$ (12,106,397) $ (11,208,944) $ (15,307,608) $ Q7,L76,OR8) $ (12,765,320) <br />(484,394) (572,942) (337,758) (447,663) (808,750) <br />$ (12,590,791) $ (11,781,886) $ (IS,645,366) $ (ll,623,751) $ (13,574,07U) <br />$ 9,HFi6,249 $ 10,6R4,6ti3 $ 11,7Afi,llfi $ 12,417,U?4 <br />2,350,538 2,535,830 2,765,844 2,956,413 <br />285,18d 310J90 337,069 372,706 <br />69,145 R1,152 88,890 70,488 <br />29,153 53,562 22�,497 227,048 <br />641,583 1,205,188 1,888,916 1,353,641 <br />- 827,650 - - <br />25,000 <br />13,241,852 15,698,855 16,�52,332 17,422,320 <br />$ L2,553,1R7 <br />3,288,Sfi2 <br />375,551 <br />R1,274 <br />26,477 <br />695,472 <br />25,000 <br />17,045,523 <br />117,453 177,513 356,442 257,409 135,664 <br />(25,000) (25,000) <br />117,453 177,fl13 3�6,442 232,409 L10,664 <br />$ 13,359,305 $ IS,R76,668 $ 16,908,774 $ 17,65A,729 $ 17,L56,L87 <br />$ 1,135,455 $ 4,489,911 $ 1,2A4,724 $ 246,232 $ 4,280,203 <br />�s��9a�� �s9s,�29) �a,�s4 �z�s,�sa) <�9s,os� <br />$ 7fiR,514 $ 4,094,7R2 $ ],2C>3,40R $ 3Q97R $ 3,582,1L7 <br />100 <br />