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City of Roseville, Minnesota <br />CHANGES IN NET POSITION <br />Last Ten Fiscal Years <br />(accrual hasis of accouiztirep� <br />Expenses <br />Governmental activities: <br />Gcncral go�rcmmcnt <br />Public safety <br />Public works <br />Parks and. recreation <br />Economic dcvclopmcnt <br />Interest on longterm debt <br />Tokal governmental activities expenses <br />Business-rype activities: <br />Sc���cr <br />Water <br />Golf <br />Recycling <br />Storm Drninage <br />Total bi�siness-Type uctivities expenses <br />Total primaiy government expenses <br />Program Revenues <br />Governmental activities: <br />Chnrges Tor eervices: <br />General �overninent <br />Public safety <br />Parky an[1 rccrcution <br />Olher activities <br />Operating grents ant] contribi�tions <br />Capital grants and conh�ibutiov� <br />Total govenunental acti��ities program revenues <br />Business-t�pe acriviries: <br />Chargcs for Scrviccs: <br />SeK er <br />Watcr <br />Golf <br />Rccycling <br />Storm Drainage <br />Operating grants and wntributions <br />Capital grants and contributions <br />Total business-rype activitie� p�og�am revenues <br />Total primaiy govemment program revenues <br />Net (expense)/revenue <br />Governmental activities <br />Business-type activities <br />Total piimary govcnnncut nct capcnsc <br />General Revenues and Other Changes in Net Assets <br />Guvernmen�al u;�ivi�iet: <br />Taxcs <br />ProperLy L2xes <br />Tax incrcmcnts <br />Cable franchisetaxes <br />Gambling texcs <br />Crants and contributions not restricted to specific programs <br />Unres'fictcd invcsincntcarninga <br />Miscellaneous <br />Unres'fictcd nct incrcasc (dccrcFtsc) in thc fair valuc of invcst�ncnts <br />Transfers <br />Total go�-eimnental acti��ities <br />Business-type activities: <br />Unrestricted invest�nent earnings <br />Um�esh�icted net inerease(decreasa) in the fair value of invesnnents <br />Gnin un sale of capital asset� <br />Transfers <br />Total business-rype activities <br />Total primary goceinment <br />Change in Net Posifion <br />Governmental activities <br />Business-Lype activiLies <br />Total primary novernmen� <br />Table 2 <br />(Page 2 of 2) <br />Unaudited <br />Fiscal Year <br />2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 <br />$ 4,266,736 $ 4,395,483 $ 4,654,650 $ 5,376,860 $ 5,856,306 <br />9,442,966 8,572,723 9,417,45g 9,792,587 9,254,988 <br />2,80Q235 4,568,114 4,475,774 4,399,267 5,249,925 <br />4,698,S1A 4,737,072 4,794,338 5,523,875 5,690,332 <br />10,950,324 1,696,156 1,261,035 954,315 1,671,768 <br />429,094 427,003 6ft�,377 1,160,953 AA1,flR7 <br />3Z,587,873 24,696,551 2�,288,632 27,2(Y7,857 28,605,�p6 <br />3,763,009 3,403,703 3,638,421 3,575,823 3,651,174 <br />5,058,883 5,417,818 6,307,221 5,915,805 5,553,800 <br />338,860 332,480 360,518 345,816 339,911 <br />478,471 5?7,581 549,113 550,285 449,490 <br />797,535 7,073,180 1,000.570 942,598 7,324,675 <br />10,436,758 70,754,762 11.855,843 11,330,327 71,319,050 <br />$ 43,02A,637 $ 35,451,313 $ 37J44,475 $ 38,538,184 $ 39,924,256 <br />$ 2,611,668 $ 2,857,048 $ 3,OU7,628 $ 3,488,493 $ 3,382,230 <br />1,545,530 L,S90,436 1,507,988 1,925,320 1,804,563 <br />1,919,896 2,430,291 1,976,761 2,591,924 2,000,010 <br />697,435 560,173 3�1,�14 1,173,925 292,365 <br />870,158 983,749 905,922 7,029,327 967,703 <br />3,283,978 2,294,488 2,3�5,429 1,046,150 1,013,102 <br />10,928,965 L1,O15,Sfl5 LQ�F0�,242 11,255,139 9,459,973 <br />3,600,334 3,087,514 3,740,826 4,105,523 4,225,532 <br />5,048,473 S,SS0,048 6,607,234 6,628,378 6,662,997 <br />302,610 27Q434 299,»5 271,095 291,036 <br />499,773 545,695 453,259 455,271 367,469 <br />840,743 956,350 1,�26,792 1,647,J24 1,722,757 <br />69,775 70,267 104,891 69,613 70,419 <br />321,188 250,858 2Q858 259,550 470,967 <br />10,682,8J6 10,761,166 12,753,d15 13,437,354 13,811,177 <br />$ 21,611,861 $ 21,776,751 $ 23,158,657 $ 24,692,493 $ 23,271,150 <br />$ (21,658,908) $ (13,680,966) $ (14,883,390) $ (15,952,718) $ (19,145,233) <br />246,138 6,404 897,572 2,107,027 2,492,127 <br />$ (21,412,7701 $ (13,674,562) $ (13,985,81S) $ (13,545,691) $ (16,653,106) <br />$ 15,611,3R7 $ 13,501,06X $ 1S,OX5,154 $ 16,X95,R04 $ 17,31R,R33 <br />1,965,655 1,592,214 2,342,447 1,507,882 1,927,2fi7 <br />380,108 393,657 415,385 4A,S12 A4R,088 <br />80,282 R6,952 74,504 76,272 77,604 <br />25,577 25,738 24,693 24,928 249,375 <br />7,122,891 730,309 350,777 288,600 474,218 <br />- - - (7,555,227) l,fi14,919 <br />84,007 25,000 Z�,UUO (72,584) 782,000 <br />1J,270,J17 16,355,438 18,317,9UU 17,71Q187 22,892,304 <br />776,315 123,786 39,801 25,662 56,506 <br />- - 47,384 (233,366) 241,243 <br />- - - - 10,513 <br />(s4,00�) �2s,000) (zs,000) �2,ssa ��sz,000� <br />92,308 98,786 62,185 (134,820) (473,438) <br />$ 19,363,225 $ 16,454,224 $ 18380,085 $ 17,575,367 $ 22,418,866 <br />$ (2,387,991) $ 2,674,472 $ 3,434,510 $ 1,757,469 $ 3,747,071 <br />33R,446 105,190 959,757 1,972,207 2,OLR,689 <br />$ (2,049,545) $ 2,779,662 $ 4,394,2fi7 $ 3,729,67fi $ 5,7fi5,760 <br />101 <br />