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City of Roseville, Minnesota <br />REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION <br />SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE BUDGET AND ACTUAL <br />RECREATION FUND <br />For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2014 <br />Budgeted Amounts <br />Original Final <br />REVENUES <br />Taxes <br />General property taxes <br />Intergovernmental revenue <br />Charges for services <br />Rentals <br />Donations <br />Special assessments <br />Investment income <br />Interest earned on investments <br />Increase (decrease) in fair value of investments <br />Miscellaneous Revenue <br />Total Revenues <br />EXPENDITURES <br />Current <br />Recreation <br />Personal services <br />5upplies and materials <br />Other services and charges <br />Capital outlay <br />T�tal Expenditures <br />Net Change in Fund Balance <br />FUND BALANCE, January 1 <br />FUND BALANCE, December 31 <br />The notes to the required supplementary information are an integral part of this statement. <br />73 <br />2,075,215 <br />1,840,750 <br />63,000 <br />49,610 <br />6,500 <br />25,635 <br />4,060,710 <br />2,075,215 <br />1,840,750 <br />63,000 <br />49,610 <br />3,000 <br />6,500 <br />25,635 <br />4,063,710 <br />2,637,999 2,637,999 <br />322,530 322,530 <br />1,173,521 1,173,521 <br />4,134,050 4,134,050 <br />(73,340) (70,340) <br />1,111,161 1,111,161 <br />1,037,821 1,040,821 <br />Actual <br />Amounts <br />1,978,856 <br />25,697 <br />1,771,633 <br />59,625 <br />119,900 <br />(1,881) <br />11,271 <br />41,498 <br />50,734 <br />4,057,333 <br />2,608,189 <br />305,730 <br />1,120,742 <br />34,822 <br />4,069,483 <br />(12,150) <br />1,111,161 <br />1,099,011 <br />Schedule 2 <br />(Page 1 of 1) <br />Variance With <br />Final Budget <br />(96,359) <br />25,697 <br />(69,117) <br />(3,375) <br />70,290 <br />(4,881) <br />4,771 <br />41,498 <br />25,099 <br />(6,377) <br />29,810 <br />16,800 <br />52,779 <br />(34,822) <br />64,567 <br />58,190 <br />58,190 <br />