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City of Roseville, Minnesota <br />REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION <br />SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE BUDGET AND ACTUAL <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND <br />For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2014 <br />Schedule 3 <br />(Page 1 of 1) <br />Budgeted Amounts Actual Variance With <br />Original Final Amounts Final Budget <br />REVENUES <br />Licenses and permits 1,156,110 1,156,110 1,097,097 (59,013) <br />Chargesforservices 151,000 151,000 243,679 92,679 <br />Investment income <br />Interest earnetl on investments - - 9,299 <br />Increase (decrease) in fair value of investments - - 36,688 36,688 <br />Miscellaneous Revenue 25,000 25,000 21,239 (3,761) <br />Total Revenues 1,332,110 1,332,110 1,408,002 66,593 <br />EXPENDITURES <br />Current <br />Publicsafety 601,080 649,080 64$662 418 <br />Economic development 589,915 600,915 600,963 (48) <br />Total Expenditures 1,190,995 1,249,995 1,249,625 370 <br />Excess (Deficiency) of Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 141,115 82,115 158,377 66,963 <br />OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) <br />Transfers Out - (40,000) (40,000) - <br />Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) - (40,000) (40,000) - <br />Net Change in Fund Balance 141,115 42,115 118,377 66,963 <br />FUND BALANCE, January 1 595,148 595,148 595,148 - <br />FUND BALANCE, December31 736,263 637,263 713,525 66,963 <br />The notes to the requiretl supplementary information are an integral part of this statement. <br />74 <br />