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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, January 29, 2018 <br /> Page 21 <br /> Councilmember Etten commented this will solve several short-and long-term <br /> needs for the City. Owning the Center will save the City over $100,000 a year in <br /> rent for the License Center. The Council has looked at significant investments in <br /> the License Center to make it a better experience and more successful enterprise. <br /> He agreed one of the biggest reasons is that it is contiguous land to the current <br /> City spaces. This could also allow for the possibility of a Community Center. He <br /> noted the City is hiring Gaughan Company to continue to manage the property. <br /> The City will be able to start paying off this bond without raising taxes for the res- <br /> idents, which is a tremendous opportunity for the City. <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked with what money the bond will be paid off. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted the rent savings of$107,000 per year, as well as the <br /> revenue from the other tenants in the building. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted the other tenants can stay only as long as the <br /> City does not use the space. It is one issue to talk about expanding the License <br /> Center,but it is continue to have tenants when there will be.other space <br /> needs in the future. She noted this will be taken off the City's tax rolls. The fi- <br /> nancial piece of this is important to consider. She also noted that in the same ar- <br /> ea, adjacent to the City Hall, there is a major park and Skating Center which holds <br /> 3.9 acres and this parcel is only 2.55 acres. The parcel that is owned by VFW is <br /> 1.91 acres, and it pays significant less in taxes to the City, and it would be a sig- <br /> nificantly lower cost. She conceded that is not ideal for the License Center, but <br /> there were many pieces of this not discussed, including other locations and other <br /> space needs and re-utilizing other spaces the City has that are not currently uti- <br /> lized. Until that is understood, she cannot support this. She felt the process has <br /> not been satisfactory. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed about the Council discussion about long-term <br /> space needs. She noted the Council has continually talked about space needs in <br /> compartmentalized ways. A better process would be to have a planning and pub- <br /> lic process to discuss the City's needs in total, in the way the City plans parks and <br /> other big projects in the City. The Council has failed to bring it all together in one <br /> big picture discussion. She also expressed concern about the different numbers the <br /> City has seen over time at the License Center. Also, renovation will have to hap- <br /> pen, and that has not been decided. In the long-term, she noted it is a good piece <br /> of property, but the timeframe for purchasing is not now. She commented that <br /> how the City has gotten to this place at this price has been choppy at best. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated the timing comes from the City's planned invest- <br /> ments at the License Center. Though the price point is not agreed upon, we know <br /> it will be happening. Purchasing this location allows the City to halt $107,000 go- <br /> ing out the door and there are also two empty tenant spaces that the City can use <br /> right now, or they can be rented out to receive revenue from them. That is a fu- <br />