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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, January 29,2018 <br /> Page 22 <br /> ture decision. He noted that right now, no tenants have to be kicked out to have <br /> additional storage space. <br /> Councilmember Willmus commented one of the biggest drivers in this process is <br /> the location of this parcel and its proximity to the property that the City already <br /> owns: City Hall campus as well as Veterans Park. The acquisition of this parcel <br /> will give future Councils a much easier time when they have questions that are <br /> brought before them with regard to additional Public Works and additional parks, <br /> and perhaps down the road an opportunity to have an in-depth conversation about <br /> the community center. The City has not defined how or where it would go. This <br /> is a large parcel that would be controlled by the City and would have an easier <br /> time with some of those conversations. He does not see the cost of land decreas- <br /> ing significantly, so this is a unique opportunity before the Council. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated the driver for this is a desire to have space for a <br /> proposed Community Center but there is no support for such a concept unless it is <br /> self-supporting by revenue. She noted the City of Roseville has burdened the res- <br /> idents over $20 million of debt and that is yet to be sustained in the CIP program. <br /> These are policy discussions to be had going forward and are reasonable questions <br /> policy issues to be discussed as a group. She stated there is a disagreement about <br /> the amount of debt the City has incurred without any referendums and the over- <br /> riding of the policy by 3 votes that required a referendum for certain levels of ex- <br /> penditures. The City changed that by 3-2 vote. As a policy, she felt it was not <br /> good to have major purchases happen on a 3-2 vote. She stated it is clear how this <br /> will go down, and that is fine, but there are policy things that need to be dis- <br /> cussed. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte commented she has agreed with much of what the <br /> Councilmembers have laid out, and so this is not an easy "nay" vote. She asked <br /> that the Finance Commission becomes involved as soon as possible, and stated <br /> she thinks that is what should have been done prior to what is happening today. <br /> Councilmember Etten disagreed with Councilmember McGehee's comments <br /> about the City not having a plan in place for Public Works. This Council and re- <br /> cent Councils have put plans in place and have put plans in place for funding. <br /> The Council is not being negligent. There is a plan; it is not fully carried out yet. <br /> There is real money and real action behind the plan. He wants the community to <br /> understand that. <br /> Mayor Roe agreed the concept of this purchase is, as Councilmember Willmus <br /> stated, an opportunity that presents itself and comes out of the fact that significant <br /> investment is needed in the License Center. It does not make sense to the resi- <br /> dents and others in Roseville who support the City to put hundreds of thousands <br /> of dollars of renovation costs into a property that the City is already into a 5-year <br /> lease period, and there are unknowns about what will happen then. He noted this <br />