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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 29, 2018 <br /> Page 23 <br /> will provide an opportunity to invest in a property in a way that is responsible and <br /> has long-term amortization. It provides a long-term solution for the License Cen- <br /> ter. It also provides the opportunity for possible solutions for perhaps a Commu- <br /> nity Center or expansion of a Public Works facility. There was discussion previ- <br /> ously about how landlocked the existing Public Works site it. By acquiring addi- <br /> tional property adjacent to City Hall, he noted this provides the opportunity for <br /> site control to solve the City's problems. In terms of financing, the City on a <br /> yearly basis can set aside in the range of $30,000-50,000 towards future capital <br /> needs or other aspects of dealing with this site going forward. That includes pay- <br /> ing off the bonds. The taxpayers will not subsidize this process. There is addi- <br /> tional space that may be used for storage or it can be decided to lease out that <br /> space. He recalled an article in the paper covering the council's move to purchase <br /> this property when the City rejected bids on License Center rehabilitation. Thus, <br /> this process and decision is not catching people by surprise. He noted referen- <br /> dums are statutorily not allowed to be done to ask for voter advice. That being <br /> said, the type of financing here would be revenue-supported, and that has been set <br /> up by the State as something that does not require a referendum. He expressed <br /> support for this purchase going forward. <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked to clarify the City's rental of$107,000. Under <br /> State law, the City is required to have a referendum for bonds. She does under- <br /> stand referendums and when they can be used. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that as a tax-exempt entity, the City can put the non-tax-exempt <br /> portions back onto the tax rolls. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus, Etten, and Roe. <br /> Nays: Laliberte and McGehee. <br /> Motion carried <br /> 8. Approve Minutes <br /> Comments and corrections to draft minutes had been submitted by the City Council prior <br /> to tonight's meeting and those revisions were incorporated into the draft presented in the <br /> Council packet. <br /> a. Approve January 8, 2018 City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> Etten moved, McGehee seconded, approval of the January 8, 2018 City Council <br /> Meeting Minutes. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Laliberte, McGehee,Willmus, Etten, and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> b. Approve January 16,2018 EDA Minutes <br />