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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 7:39 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br /> 7:42 p.m. <br /> b. Receive Finance Commission Recommendations <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed the members of the Finance Commission (FC) and noted <br /> the purpose of their presence tonight is to review and bring forth recommenda- <br /> tions on a number of policy recommendations. <br /> Finance Commission Chair Robin Schroeder briefly introduced the purpose of the <br /> FC recommendations and noted that each member present will cover a bullet <br /> point included in the Council report. <br /> Commissioner Malcolm McRoberts introduced the first topic, the City's CIP poli- <br /> cy: <br /> • The Finance Commission recommends that the Council revise the <br /> City's Capital Investment Policy to incorporate a CIP Priority Rank- <br /> ing process and assign priority rankings to individual categories or <br /> items in the CIP. <br /> Commissioner McRoberts reviewed the City's existing capital replacement poli- <br /> cy. The FC believes the policy should be amended to instruct staff to use and cat- <br /> egorize the capital improvement requests using one of the stated categories. The <br /> recommendation centers on replacing the word "considered" with "categorized". <br /> He noted the purpose is not to set the rules and tell the Council what to do. The <br /> goal is to get the data recorded so the Council and community can see how the <br /> spending is happening in those categories. The effort required to record that data <br /> is minimal. It should not take more than 5 minutes per project and will give in- <br /> formation as to how much money is going into each of the categories. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated there is no problem doing this, but she is not <br /> sure if it is rigorous enough, and wondered if it really gives the City additional <br /> light on what has been done or moves the City closer to sustainability. <br /> Commissioner McRoberts stated HIPPA compliance was discussed earlier in the <br /> Council meeting. As an example, that might require IT investment, for data stor- <br /> age. All the FC is doing is put categorization in place to see how much is being <br /> spent. He believes there needs to be more, the next level down. But this is an ef- <br /> fort to get some level of consistency and to build on it moving forward. <br /> Mayor Roe noted an earlier Council discussion focused on category 2 and that it <br /> applies to almost everything in the CIP. Some items in the CIP fall into category <br /> 1 and also are in category 2. There are some things that are new projects that are <br /> not in the CIP. That was the challenge previously: if this was just assigning <br />