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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 18 <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted at some point there might be a category of things <br /> the City had at one time but is no longer useful or appropriate, If such items are <br /> identified, there may be no reason to maintain them any longer. <br /> Chair Schroeder noted the FC can continue to work on this, but there will still be <br /> some give-and-take. <br /> Commissioner Matt Harold introduced the next bullet point: <br /> • The Commission recommends that the $850,000 in excess TIF pro- <br /> ceeds from the recently decertified TIF District#11 be used to finance <br /> the construction of the Golf Course Clubhouse & Community Build- <br /> ing. And further, the Commission recommends that Park Dedication <br /> fees be used to pay the remainder of that construction loan, as this is a <br /> new park asset. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed agreement with both the recommendations, <br /> as the Street Improvement Fund is not sustainable at this time. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked Finance Director Miller the about the pairing of the <br /> $850,000 that with $1 million from Park Dedication, but he cannot remember <br /> what was decided about finishing the terms of the loan. <br /> Finance Director Miller noted there is still a $250,000 gap to pay that off, and the <br /> Commission is suggesting more Park Dedication fees to pay that off <br /> Mayor Roe summarized Council support for the plan to pay off the balance over <br /> time with Park Dedication fees. <br /> Commissioner Harold clarified that the FC recommends paying off the balance <br /> immediately with the excess Park Dedication fees the City currently has. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked that to be put on a future agenda, out of respect <br /> for everyone's time. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that official Council action will have to be taken to transfer the <br /> TIF funds anyway, so this will be revisited by the Council. <br /> Chair Schroeder introduced the third bullet point: <br /> • The Commission recommends that water, sanitary sewer, and storm <br /> sewer infrastructure replacements remain funded through utility <br /> rates rather than through the property tax. <br /> Chair Schroeder provided a background of the Council's request to look into this <br /> issue. She noted the FC recommends to keep the base rate the same. <br />