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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 19 <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed concern about the unfairness of the flat fee <br /> which is a "tax" across residential homes. She stated that it is a significant equity <br /> issue. She also noted that as a byproduct of this funding structure it is not possi- <br /> ble to have meaningful water conservation. She does not want people forced out <br /> of their homes because the City has imposed a flat tax. <br /> Councilmember Etten commented he agreed with the recommendation by the FC. <br /> Regarding water conservation, the City's approach right now is not that effective. <br /> Moving this to the tax rolls will hide the issue even more, getting back to the issue <br /> of transparency. <br /> Councilmember Willmus would like more information on what Councilmember <br /> McGehee is talking about with regard to equity. He noted that there are different <br /> meter sizes in different households. He agrees with the Commission's recom- <br /> mendations. The notion of the non-profit and not having a means to collect on <br /> that side outweighs those other things, with regard to the long-term health of the <br /> City, it is something that would put the City in peril with regard to building the in- <br /> frastructure going forward. <br /> Commissioner Murray asked if the FC should look into the issue of conservation. <br /> Mayor Roe stated the PWET Commission and staff are looking at the issue of <br /> conservation. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the point of having a flat rate with a same size meter is they <br /> all have the same capacity to use water. He also noted that there is a discount <br /> program for people for financial hardship. He agreed with the recommendations <br /> and the comments that non-profits need to be paying for their share of water, as <br /> some of them are large entities and therefore using a lot of water and sewer ser- <br /> vices. <br /> Commissioner John Bachhuber presented the fourth bullet point: <br /> • The Commission recommends that the Council establish a Cash Re- <br /> serve (Cash Carryforward) Fund to consolidate all unrestricted funds <br /> that are not derived from donations or earmarked for capital re- <br /> placements <br /> Commissioner Bachhuber stated a cash carryforward fund would increase <br /> transparency and allow the City to carry lower balances, and it would also <br /> help ensure taxpayer dollars are put to the best possible use. He asked for <br /> Council feedback and specifically the idea of taking the CIP out of the op- <br /> erating fund. <br /> Councilmembers Laliberte and Willmus expressed support for the con- <br /> cept. <br />