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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 21 <br /> needs for Public Works and Parks and Rec storage. The shopping center <br /> will not solve all these issues,but this is an opportunity to acquire property <br /> next to the City Hall campus, so that a future Council could choose to ex- <br /> pand a Public Works facility on property already owned. In the short- <br /> term, the City is paying $19/sq foot and then $25/sq foot later in the lease. <br /> He believes those rates are excessive,but the Council had decided to make <br /> it work. In addition to the rents, it required approximately $600,000 in <br /> renovations. This is an opportunity to secure a piece of property that will <br /> fulfil a need for the License Center as well as a long-term opportunity for <br /> Public Works expansion. The FC has identified risks, and those are man- <br /> ageable risks. Going forward, this is a tremendous opportunity for the <br /> City. <br /> Councilmember Etten appreciated the comments on storage space, and <br /> that is something to consider. He would lean not storing things there as it <br /> would not be beneficial for the other tenants. He agreed the FC has identi- <br /> fied important concerns and the Council has considered a fair amount. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted she agrees with the FC and disagreed <br /> with Council approval on this project. She does not think it is a good <br /> place to embark on building a Public Works building. Councilmember <br /> McGehee opined that it is inappropriate for the City to be a retail land- <br /> lord. The City will still have to remodel the site to improve the License <br /> Center. As for the rent, the City Council itself was involved as it began a <br /> purchase and then pulled out. When the rent was then renegotiated, it was <br /> higher than before. The property was not on the market so the City did <br /> not have to buy it right now. Storage could be arranged in the under- <br /> ground parking at City Hall. Storage should have been added to the six <br /> park buildings when they were built providing the opportunity to have the <br /> items stored on the recreation sites. <br /> Commissioner Murray asked how this $2.3 million will be financed. <br /> Mayor Roe stated that receipt of rent from current tenants as well as not <br /> having to pay rent could pay off what could potentially be a revenue bond. <br /> Additional revenue could be gained if additional tenants are found rather <br /> than using the space for storage. <br /> Commissioner Murray asked the Council to share the specific numbers. <br /> Mayor Roe responded that to the extent the City is compliant with the data <br /> practices act and confidentiality with the seller, the FC can see the infor- <br /> mation. <br />