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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 22 <br /> Commissioner Harold noted that there is a level of uncertainty as to <br /> whether that property will stay a strip mall. If the City takes out bonds, it <br /> is presumed the bonds will not be paid off in the next four or five years. <br /> He asked about the Council's plan if the income stream is no longer there. <br /> Mayor Roe stated if the City decides to go a different direction, it can sell <br /> the property and pay off the bonds. Secondly, if the property is developed <br /> down the road for a Public Works building or a community center many <br /> years down the road, those project costs can include payoff of these bonds. <br /> His opinion is to operate it as a strip mall with tenants for the duration of <br /> the bonds. <br /> Commissioner McMurray asked about the impact of technology on the Li- <br /> cense Center and the ongoing need for the physical building. <br /> Mayor Roe noted there are changes in the retail market that have be taken <br /> into account, and the balance of tenants may change. The City can evalu- <br /> ate whether it is still beneficial to own the property. This is an opportunity <br /> of not wanting to put money into a leased space that the City will only <br /> control for four years. <br /> Chair Schroeder questioned the value the FC is providing to the Council, <br /> since they make a lot of recommendations to the Council and do not hear <br /> back. She wondered whether the process of making recommendations <br /> needs some fine-tuning, as the FC wants to provide valuable information. <br /> The FC was put together a few years ago, so she questioned whether the <br /> FC is doing what the Council wants it to do. If the Council wants to keep <br /> the FC, the two-way feedback should be improved. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated there is value in the FC. There is some- <br /> times a disconnect in communication between the Council and FC. He <br /> suggested having Chair Schroeder bring forward recommendations to the <br /> Council directly. <br /> The Council concurred there is tremendous value in the FC. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that because the Council does not adopt <br /> something does not mean there is not any value there. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted that there are other Commissions who <br /> have expressed the same concern about not providing adequate Council <br /> feedback. <br /> Recess <br />