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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26,2018 <br /> Page 25 <br /> Mayor Roe noted it would be good to decide if there are other engagement efforts <br /> that could be combined at the Party in the Park, such as signing up volunteers. He <br /> does not want to create a lot of work for the Commission either. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated another subcommittee is not needed; just build <br /> upon what was done last year and rely on staff for the "doing" part. She also re- <br /> called that in the past, there was an effort to engage other populations in such <br /> ways like engaging in a festival during the Party in the Park week. <br /> Imagine Roseville <br /> Vice Chair Peterson asked about the HRIEC's involvement with Imagine Rose- <br /> ville. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted this was summarized at the February 21st meeting <br /> when it was discussed the HRIEC should evaluate how the events have gone and <br /> what changes can be made in the future. He suggested the HRIEC look at what <br /> topics to cover, the makeup of the current committee, the level of engagement <br /> with different groups. <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked about the evolution of the Imagine Roseville <br /> Committee, and what the Council wants out of the conversations and process. <br /> Mayor Roe noted those are important questions. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated this is a conversation the Council should have, <br /> specifically, what is the Council's role in the Imagine Roseville series. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated there was not any Council discussion when Im- <br /> agine Roseville started. She agreed that maybe it is time for the Council to dis- <br /> cuss this before handing it off to the HRIEC. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated it is worthwhile but the question is in what capac- <br /> ity. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted this group came up out of the community out of a <br /> desire to have a conversation. This did assist people in the City to think forward <br /> about various issues. She struggled that it never came to be an official entity, and <br /> it never was an initiative of the Council. It even got into the Comp Plan. She is <br /> struggling with the fuller scope of this, since the Council has its own advisory <br /> commissions that go through an appointment process. She suggested the Council <br /> have a discussion about it before the HRIEC works on it. <br /> Councilmember McGehee commented Imagine Roseville began at a grassroots <br /> level. Perhaps the process should be codified so that if someone has a topic that <br /> needs to be discussed,there is a process in place. <br />