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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 26 <br /> Councilmember Willmus added that the mechanism by which this came to be was <br /> grassroots. He asks if something becomes lost if it gets involved in the City struc- <br /> ture. Perhaps it is better in its organic form. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested the Council have this discussion at another time and then <br /> revisit it with the HRIEC. <br /> HRIEC Work Plan <br /> Chair Holub introduced the work plan, noting that it is still a fluid plan. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated that the guidance from the Council at the end of the last dis- <br /> cussion, was to have the HRIEC try and prioritize the items in the Action Plan and <br /> decide which ones to do first. He noted that some of that is reflected in the calen- <br /> dar. He also stated that there was some confusion as to how some items were de- <br /> scribed and wondered if the commission had spent much time clarifying those <br /> items. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted this is the same work plan from October. <br /> Chair Holub concurred. <br /> Councilmember Willmus expressed concern, because he felt the Council gave the <br /> Commission as clear of direction as possible. He wanted the Commission to dis- <br /> cuss the work plan and prioritize it. Looking at the HRIEC meeting minutes, he <br /> does not know that has occurred. He recalled Commissioner Etienne Djevi <br /> brought up the issue of engaging with different parts of the community. He asked <br /> what has been done to work along those lines. <br /> Chair Holub stated no new items have been brought up during the HRIEC meet- <br /> ings. <br /> Councilmember Willmus recalled the Council gave direction and agreement on <br /> involvement with Rosefest and the essay. There was some disagreement on the <br /> photo contest. He recalled the Council had decided it was not the role of the <br /> HRIEC to monitor other Commissions. <br /> Chair Holub noted the broad intent was to evaluate current City initiatives. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted one of the Council's priority is to how to engage with <br /> diverse parts of the community who might not come to the regularly scheduled <br /> City activities. That was discussed at the meeting in October, and that is one of <br /> the top priorities of the HREIC. There are different activities and processes the <br /> City engages in that can be looked at and chipped away at over time. He also <br /> thought the HRIEC is supposed to review the City proclamations. <br />