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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 28 <br /> The Council discussed giving specific direction to the Commission by looking at <br /> its calendar included in the packet. <br /> Councilmember Willmus suggested prioritizing the essay contest, Rosefest and also developing <br /> processes for direct outreach to underrepresented communities in the City. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested focusing on the essay contest and Rosefest <br /> parade and Party in the Park. She suggested not worrying about the photo contest <br /> and the welcome packet. She suggested focusing on the who, what, why, when, <br /> where of engagement. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte expressed support for the essay, the book discussions, <br /> Rosefest and Party in the Park. She agreed the photo contest and the welcome <br /> packet and town hall meeting will be best done after the question of who, what, <br /> where, why, when is answered. Once we know how we want to do outreach, these <br /> things will work better. <br /> Chair Holub clarified the Council's direction of moving forward with the Essay <br /> contest, Rosefest, and book read as planned, and table the Town Hall/Open <br /> House, the photo project, and welcome packet for now. In lieu of those projects, <br /> have a larger, broader discussion about how the city can reach out to its residents <br /> — focusing on who to reach out to, how to reach out to them, when and where to <br /> do so. The Council concurred. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the conversation at the commission level is less focused on <br /> specific things to do, such as projects like the Photo project. It should focus on a <br /> general discussion of who we should engage, generally how we should engage <br /> them, then there can be discussion on specific ideas on what to do to engage. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated that for example, instead of focusing on the for- <br /> mat of a welcome packet piece, identify where specific groups are congregating <br /> and ways to reach them. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that may require some outside research. The commission <br /> may have to reach out to people in those communities in order to get some of that <br /> information. <br /> Assistant City Manager Olson asked for clarification on whether the Council was <br /> seeking a formal document or whether the commission could bring forward their <br /> recommendations piece by piece. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte suggested that she is more interested in the commission <br /> having the discussions among the diverse group the council has appointed, and <br /> have ideas come from the commission. She stated she did not want to over- <br /> prescribe it,but rather have the commission discuss it. <br />