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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 4 <br /> As far as getting revenue back, one possible way may be to pro-rate the <br /> time from the FD's arrival until Allina's arrival. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked how transport would happen. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill clarified that Allina's ambulance would still be used, <br /> but the FD medic would stay with the patient and continue patient care <br /> while in the ambulance. That might be a traumatic care, for example, <br /> where a medic has started a lot of different interventions and it is best to <br /> keep patient care all the way through. Roseville is unique in that it has a <br /> Level 1 trauma center only 8 minutes away. Even today, on occasion, an <br /> FD medic or EMT will ride with Allina to the hospitals depending on the <br /> patient's needs. <br /> • Pillar#2: Enhanced Fire Prevention and Inspections Programs <br /> Assistant Chief Brosnahan noted fire prevention and inspections are al- <br /> ready part of the Fire Department, but the goal of this pillar is to enhance <br /> those services and programs and to ensure sustainability. Currently, Ro- <br /> seville's fire prevention and inspections program has been rebuilding since <br /> the Fire Marshall left two years ago. The purpose is to allow more focus <br /> on the proactive approach to prevention and inspections. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill added that this program is a revenue income source. <br /> These items are charged for, and it helps offset other programs in which <br /> the FD is engaged. <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked about the current revenue of prevention <br /> and inspections and how much it covers other programs. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill explained the prevention and inspections programs <br /> bring in a revenue of about $120,000. He noted that the City is already in- <br /> curring the costs for the staff, and this is just a matter of staffs time. <br /> Thus,most of that$120,000 goes towards subsidizing other FD programs. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked if new revenue or new benefits would be <br /> generated by an expansion of this program. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill explained that any time the FD is in the community do- <br /> ing Fire prevention, it is a benefit to eh community. One thing it would <br /> help with is staffing. Current staffing is a crew of 5, but with time off, <br /> more times than not, it is at a crew of 4, supplemented currently with part- <br /> time staff. But time will come when there will not be as much of a part- <br /> time staff, which will require taking out a vehicle to do inspections which <br /> should be available for emergency. Phase II calls for 8 on each shift, <br />