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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 3 <br /> vide continuation of care and transport to hospitals, except in rare cases <br /> where a medic may have to accompany transport to a hospital. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked about the current average response time for <br /> Allina. <br /> Assistant Chief Brosnahan responded that the average response time var- <br /> ies, anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 minutes. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill noted the Roseville FD's response time to an emergen- <br /> cy medical situation is just over 3 1/2 minutes. The FD will take care of the <br /> patients to the best of its ability, and having an ALS medic on the team <br /> will make a huge difference. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked about necessary additional equipment, train- <br /> ing, and medication. He also asked about training for three people (one for <br /> each shift) or six people (two for each shift) and the associated financial <br /> ramifications. He noted that one piece that has been a huge benefit is the <br /> FD arriving before anyone else and providing excellent professional care. <br /> He asked whether through this program the City would be able to receive <br /> funding that Allina currently receives, if it arrives earlier. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill stated the City can bill for services today, but there is <br /> no way to force collection, because of the insurance structures. First Re- <br /> sponse billing could begin today, but collection rate would be low. The <br /> City has had and continues to have discussions with Allina to receive <br /> some benefit for providing the service, and hopefully in the future an ar- <br /> rangement can be made. Regarding financial implications, the personnel <br /> costs included in the Council packet incorporates the use of paramedic. <br /> The 9 additional people in Phase II would represent some additional med- <br /> ics, though not all 9. Through the hiring process thus far, there are already <br /> medics on staff. As far as equipment and medication, there will be some <br /> additional cost, though not a huge cost. Currently, the City has an ar- <br /> rangement with Allina where the City uses equipment, mostly expenda- <br /> bles, and those are grabbed back from Allina. There will also be billing <br /> costs, because there are occasions when the City cannot get a one-for-one <br /> return. Other expenses would be defibrillator monitors. The FD has <br /> looked at grant programs and community donations for additional funding. <br /> Initially, the FD would put it in the CIP. An entry-level monitor is $6,000 <br /> and a high-priced monitor is $30,000. All of those would be discussed in <br /> the 2020/2021 budget period. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated she would have questions about equip- <br /> ment costs and expected return for each of the pillars in the presentation. <br />