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City Council Meeting Minutes
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4/18/2018 2:42:09 PM
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4/18/2018 2:42:06 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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City Council Work Session Meeting <br /> Monday, March 19, 2018 <br /> Page 2 <br /> WSB Consultant Erin Perdu noted the goal is not to review the Comp Plan page- <br /> by-page tonight, as the Council has had the draft and has had a chance to review <br /> it. First, she would like to review changes made to the document in the last <br /> month, based upon Planning Commission feedback and initial Council feedback. <br /> Next will be a brief chapter-by-chapter overview, pausing to hear comments and <br /> feedback. Finally, there will be a brief discussion on suggested formatting chang- <br /> es, and an overview of the updated schedule. <br /> Ms. Perdu began highlighting changes to the document since it was last reviewed, <br /> beginning with readability. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted many of the pages still have dark print on gray <br /> background. <br /> Ms. Perdu noted the comment. She also highlighted the changed color palette and <br /> pointed out the color blocks at the top of each chapter to notify the reader. A lot <br /> of unnecessary shading was removed from tables, and the housing matrix was al- <br /> so reformatted. Additional changes include a scrubbing of repetitive language, <br /> incorporating feedback from the Planning Commission (PC) at its February 28th <br /> meeting; and additional proofreading for grammar. <br /> Councilmember Etten expressed appreciation for color changes throughout most <br /> of the document. In the transportation chapter, he liked the table of contents and <br /> suggested that would be helpful for other chapters as well. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred with Councilmember Etten's comments. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed agreement with the comments thus far. Al- <br /> so, she noted that a couple of the chapters have goals sections. Every chapter <br /> should include that and should also have a specific location within the chapter. <br /> Readers should be looking for that, along with a table of contents. She noted <br /> some chapters do begin with a goals section, but in other places they are called <br /> strategies or policies. Whatever the term is,just stay consistent. She appreciated <br /> the color changes. However, chapter 7 and chapter 5 are very similar in color and <br /> she cannot see the difference. Perhaps if it was larger or changed the type, it <br /> would be easier to read. She also pointed out the importance of white let- <br /> ters/numbers on a dark background. In some places, a white box was used that <br /> made the text blurry. <br /> Councilmember Etten found Chapter 13 to be really great in terms of the goals <br /> formatting. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred that formatting should be consistent from chapter to chap- <br /> ter, so people can locate goals in the same place in each chapter. <br />
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