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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
4/26/2018 11:43:02 AM
Creation date
4/26/2018 11:42:24 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Member Trainor commented on the restriction with discharging waste temperatures <br />greater than 140 degrees and inquired how hot a typical commercial dishwashing <br />unit runs. <br />Mr. Culver stated he believes it is 160 degrees for sanitizing. <br />Member Trainor noted the scope of changes are significant and it would be good to <br />poll a couple of the affected users for feedback. <br />Chair Cihacek agreed that stakeholder feedback would be good and requested they <br />obtain this prior to bringing it to the Council. <br />Chapter 803 — Storm Water Drainage. <br />Mr. Freihammer reported they now included the grading ordinance as part of this <br />and will also include Stormwater Facility Management and Maintenance. The <br />grading ordinance would be removed from the zoning code. This will simplify the <br />ordinance by including it in one area and it will become part of the erosion control <br />permit. With the stormwater facility, they are talking about private BMPs and what <br />property owners are required to do. The frequency of inspections was reduced from <br />monthly to quarterly, and they did not require the records to be submitted annually. <br />Chair Cihacek referred to Section 803.05, item A(1)(a)(i) and inquired if the phrase <br />"when granted by the community" is standard language or if it should read "when <br />granted by the City." <br />Mr. Freihammer responded he will change it to "when granted by the City." <br />Chair Cihacek referred to Section 803.05, item A(1)(b)(ii) and inquired about <br />"qualified individual [LS2]." <br />Mr. Freihammer responded the [LS2] is a comment made by staff. They did not <br />want to define what determines who is a qualified individual. It was left subjective <br />and staff would be determining if a person is qualified to sign off on it. It could <br />create a potential issue and they could try to define who that is. <br />Chair Cihacek stated they may not have to define it if they include a remedy to the <br />process if there is a dispute as to whether a person is qualified or not. This could <br />be through an appeal process or preapproval process. <br />Mr. Freihammer commented anyone with experience in dealing with stormwater <br />BMPs would be qualified. They also have checklists and inspection forms they can <br />share with businesses and property owners. <br />Member Trainor inquired if this would be addressed in the required maintenance <br />plan. The owners must submit a plan, and have it approved by the City and this <br />approval includes who will conduct the maintenance. If they changed the person <br />Page 13 of 16 <br />
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