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prohibitions, and other management practices published by state or designated <br />area -wide planning agencies. <br />2. Certificate of Completion: the certificate issued after the final inspection of the site <br />has been completed, temporary erosion control has been removed and the site has <br />been fully restored. <br />3. City of Roseville Erosion Control Specifications: practices described in, but not <br />limited to, the following manuals: <br />a. Minnesota Stormwater Manual <br />*-b. Minnesota DOT Erosion Control Manual <br />4+-c_Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's "Protecting Water Quality in Urban <br />Areas" handboo <br />4. Erosion: any process that wears away the surface of the land by the action of water, <br />wind, ice, or gravity. Erosion can be accelerated by the activities of man and <br />nature. <br />5. Erosion and sediment control plan: a document containing the requirements of <br />Section 803.44 D that, when implemented, will prevent or minimize soil erosion on <br />a parcel of land and off-site sediment damages. <br />6. Erosion and sediment control practice specifications and erosion and sediment <br />control practices: the management procedures, techniques, and methods to control <br />soil erosion and sedimentation as officially adopted by the City. <br />Land disturbance activity: land change greater than 5,000 square feet, placement or <br />grading of 50 cubic vards of earthen materials, or land change on a parcel of land <br />located directly adjacent to a water resource or located <br />&7. within the shoreland overlay district, that may result in soil erosion from water or <br />wind and the movement of sediments into or upon waters or lands of the city, <br />including clearing, grading, excavating, transporting and filling of land. Land <br />disturbance activity does not mean the following: <br />a. Minor land disturbance activities such as home gardens and an individual's <br />home landscaping, repairs, and maintenance work. <br />b. Tilling, planting, or harvesting or agricultural, horticultural, or silvicultural <br />crops. <br />c. Installation of fence, sign, telephone, and electric poles and other kinds of posts <br />or poles. <br />d. Emergency work to protect life, limb, or property and emergency repairs. <br />However, if the land disturbance activity would have required an approved <br />erosion and sediment control plan except for the emergency, the land area <br />disturbed shall be shaped and stabilized in accordance with the requirement of <br />the local plan -approving authority or the city when applicable. <br />-9-.8. Permittee: a person, entity, state agency, corporation, partnership, or political <br />subdivision thereof engaged in a land disturbance activity. <br />40-9. Sediment: solid mineral or organic material that, in suspension, is being <br />transported or has been moved from its original site by air, water, gravity, or ice, <br />and has been deposited at another location. <br />44-10. Sedimentation: the process or action of depositing sediment that is determined <br />to have been caused by erosion. <br />4-2-11. Water Resource: any stream, channel, wetland, storm pond, or lake within the City. <br />D. Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan: <br />1. Required: Every Permittee for a building permit, a subdivision approval, or a <br />permit to allow land disturbance activities must submit apt grading, erosion and <br />sediment control plan to the City Engineer. No building permit, subdivision <br />approval, or permit to allow land disturbance activities shall be issued and no earth <br />disturbing activity shall commence until approval of the grading, erosion and <br />sediment control plan by the City. <br />Projects coordinated by Ramsey County or Mn/DOT do not require a permit; <br />