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in-place grading, erosion and sediment control. The foregoing responsibilities shall <br />continue until a Certificate of Completion is issued to the Permittee by the City for <br />the land disturbance activity and the grading, erosion and sediment control permit is <br />terminated.- <br />G. Modification of Plan: An approved grading, erosion and sediment control plan may be <br />modified on submission of an application for modification to the City and subsequent <br />approval by the City Engineer. In reviewing such application, the City Engineer may <br />require additional reports and data and possible modification of escrow. <br />H. Escrow Requirement: The City shall require the Permittee to escrow a sum of money <br />sufficient to ensure the grading is completed per the approved grading plan. The escrow <br />shall also be sufficient to ensure the inspection, installation, maintenance, and completion <br />of the grading, erosion and sediment control plan and practices. Escrow amounts shall be <br />set as detailed in the adopted fee schedule.F ,.... 4imA 4o 4imA b the n:._ C;Ou 64. Upon <br />project completion and the issuance of a Certificate of Completion any remaining amount <br />held in escrow shall be returned to the Permittee. <br />1. Enforcement: <br />1. If the City determines the grading, erosion and sedimentation control is not being <br />implemented or maintained according to the approved plan, the Permittee will be <br />notified and provided with a list of corrective work to be performed. The corrective <br />work shall be completed by the Permittee within forty-eight (48) hours after <br />notification by the City. Notification may be given by: <br />a. Personal delivery upon the Permittee, or an officer, partner, manager or <br />designated representative of the Permittee. <br />b. E-mail or facsimile by sending such notice to the e-mail address or facsimile <br />number provided by the Permittee. <br />2. Failure to Do Corrective Work: If a Permittee fails to perform any corrective work or <br />otherwise fails to conform to any provision of this ordinance within the time stipulated, <br />the City may take any one or more of the following actions: <br />a. Issue a stop work order whereupon the Permittee shall cease all land disturbance <br />activity on the site until such time as the City determines the corrective measures <br />that are necessary to correct the conditions for which the stop work order was <br />issued. Once the necessary corrective actions have been determined the Permittee <br />shall perform the corrective work. All corrective work must be completed before <br />further land disturbance activity will be allowed to resume. <br />b. Complete the corrective work using City forces or by separate contract. The <br />issuance of a land disturbance permit constitutes a right -of -entry for the City or its <br />contractor to enter upon the construction site for the purpose of completing the <br />corrective work. <br />c. Impose a monetary fine in an amount equal to twice the required permit fee. <br />d. Charge the Permittee for all staff time expended and costs incurred by the Cityto: <br />i perform any corrective work required by the City, <br />ii perform such inspections and reinspections of the site on which the land <br />disturbance activity is occurring as the City deems necessary, and/or <br />iii coordinate and communicate with the Permittee regarding any corrective work, <br />inspections, reinspections or other remedial actions which the City deems <br />necessary to implement as a result of the failure of the Permittee to conform to <br />the provisions of this ordinance, and <br />iv remedy any other failure of the Permittee to conform to provisions of this <br />ordinance. <br />e. The cost for staff time shall be determined by multiplying the staff member's <br />hourly rate times 1.9 times the number of hours expended, for all staff members <br />(including administrative employees) involved in such corrective work, <br />communications, coordination of activities, inspections, reinspections and other <br />remedial actions. All amounts charged shall be paid by the Permitee within 30 <br />