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shall notify owners of public and private stormwater facilities of the need for conducting <br />maintenance at least every five years., staraw� in� <br />C. Severabilitv. The provisions of this ordinance are severable, and if anv provisions of this <br />ordinance, or application of any provision of this ordinance to any circumstance, is held <br />invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of <br />this ordinance must not be affected therebv. <br />D. Failure to maintain Private Stormwater Facilities: It is the responsibility of the property <br />owner to maintain all private stormwater facilities in accordance with the original <br />standards. If during a Citv inspection the facilitv exhibits signs of not meeting the <br />standards, the City will notify the owner in writing of the deficiencies. Failure to <br />properly maintain the facilitv after notification could result in administrative penalties <br />per Chapter 407 and/or 906, and/or to enter the abatement process per Chapter 407. <br />