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352 Mr. Culver responded an example would be if they were doing on a highway, such <br />353 as Snelling Avenue. They also just replaced a signal in front of Rosedale. They <br />354 were the lead on the project, but they did not own it. <br />355 <br />356 Chair Cihacek suggested it be changed to " considered to be an owner of the <br />357 asset or lead on a project..." <br />358 <br />359 Mr. Culver commented they do sign a construction agreement with the owner, such <br />360 as the County, which give each party certain rights, even though the City does not <br />361 own the area. He inquired if they have any concerns with bypassing the City <br />362 Council with this ordinance. <br />363 <br />364 Chair Cihacek inquired if there was a method of recourse if someone disagrees with <br />365 the proposed night work. <br />366 1 <br />367 Mr. Culver stated they can always contact the City Council and there is a public <br />368 comment period at all City Council meetings. <br />369 <br />370 Chair Cihacek inquired h�well attended the public hearings are. <br />371 <br />372 Mr. Freihammer responded they not typically are well attended. <br />373 <br />374 Mr. Culver stated everyone that has shown up for noise ordinance issues in the past <br />375 has contacted staff first. They always know they are coming and they provide the <br />376 Council with their comments prior to the public hearing. The purpose of this <br />377 ordinance change is not to bypass the City Council. It is to streamline the process <br />378 and to provide a quicker resonse to contractors. <br />379 <br />380 Chair Cihacek stated he is no concerned that the City Council is bypassed if there <br />381 is the capacity for public comment. <br />382 <br />383 Member Seigler noted Section 405.03(D) has an extra parenthesis after "10:00." <br />384 <br />385 Member Trainor moved, Member Seigler seconded, to recommend to the City <br />386 Council approval of the revisions to Chapter 405 Noise Control Ordinance as <br />387 amended. <br />388 <br />389 Ayes:6 <br />390 Nays:0 <br />391 Motion carried. <br />392 <br />393 Chapter 707: Right of Wav Management. <br />394 Mr. Freihammer reported the amendment to this ordinance will address new <br />395 changes in State law related to small cell wireless facilities as well as right of way <br />396 permits in County or State right of way. This allows the City the opportunity to <br />Page 9 of 16 <br />