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CHAPTER 707 <br />RIGHT-OF-WAY MANAGEMENT <br />SECTION: <br />707.01: <br />Findings and Purpose <br />707.02: <br />Definitions <br />707.03: <br />Administration <br />707.04: <br />Utility Coordination Committee <br />707.05: <br />Registration and Right -of -Way Occupancy <br />707.06: <br />Registration Information <br />707.07: <br />Reporting Obligations <br />707.08: <br />Permit Requirement <br />707.09: <br />Permit Applications <br />707.10: <br />Issuance of Permit; Conditions <br />707.11: <br />Permit Fees <br />707.12: <br />Right -of -Way Repair and Restoration <br />707.13: <br />Joint Applications <br />707.14: <br />Supplementary Applications <br />707.15: <br />Other Obligations <br />707.16: <br />Denial of Permit <br />707.17: <br />Installation Requirements <br />707.18: <br />Inspection <br />707.19: <br />Work Done without a Permit <br />707.20: <br />Supplementary Notification <br />707.21: <br />Revocation of Permits <br />707.22: <br />Mapping Data <br />707.23: <br />Location of Facilities <br />707.24: <br />Relocation of Facilities <br />707.25: <br />Pre -excavation Facilities Location <br />707.26: <br />Damage to other Facilities <br />707.27: <br />Right -of -Way Vacation <br />707.28: <br />Indemnification and Liability <br />707.29: <br />Appeal <br />707.30: <br />Abandoned and Unusable Facilities <br />707.31: <br />Reservation of Regulatory and Police Powers <br />707.32: <br />Franchise; Franchise Supremacy <br />707.33: <br />Severability <br />707.01: FINDINGS AND PURPOSE: <br />A. General: to provide for the health, safety and well-being of its citizens, and to ensure <br />the structural integrity of its streets and the appropriate use of the rights of way, the <br />City strives to keep its rights of way in a state of good repair and free from unnecessary <br />encumbrances. Although the general population bears the financial burden for the upkeep of <br />the rights of way, a primary cause for the early and excessive deterioration of its rights of way <br />is frequent excavation. <br />The City holds the rights of way within its geographical boundaries as an asset in trust <br />