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for its citizens. The City and other public entities have invested millions of dollars in <br />public funds to build and maintain the rights of way. It also recognizes that some <br />persons, by placing their equipment in the right of way and charging the citizens of the <br />City for goods and services delivered thereby, are using this property held for the public <br />good. Although such services are often necessary or convenient for the citizens, such <br />persons receive revenue and/or profit through their use of public property. <br />In response to the foregoing facts, the City hereby enacts this new Chapter relating to <br />right-of-way permits and administration. This Chapter imposes reasonable regulations <br />on the placement and maintenance of equipment currently within its rights of way or to <br />be placed therein at some future time. It is intended to complement the regulatory roles <br />of State and Federal agencies. Under this Chapter, persons disturbing and obstructing <br />the rights of way will bear a fair share of the financial responsibility for their integrity. <br />Finally, this Chapter provides for recovery of out-of-pocket and projected costs from <br />persons using the public rights of way. <br />B. Legislative Power: By enactment of this Chapter, the City Council hereby exercises its <br />lawful police power and common law authority, and all statutory authority which is <br />available to it, including, but not limited to, the powers conferred on it under Minnesota <br />Statutes sections 237.162 and 237.163, while preserving all power and authority to <br />further require franchises from right-of-way users under Minnesota Statutes sections <br />21613.36, 222.37, 300.03, and 412.11, and other provisions of law. (Ord. 1209, 8-24- <br />1998) This chapter shall not be interpreted to limit the regulatory and police powers of <br />the citv to adopt and enforce general ordinances necessary to protect the health, safetv <br />and welfare of the public. <br />707.02: DEFINITIONS: <br />The following definitions apply in this Chapter. References hereafter to "sections" are, <br />unless otherwise specified, references to sections in this Chapter. Defined terms remain <br />defined terms whether or not capitalized. <br />APPLICANT: Any person requesting permission to excavate or obstruct a right of way. <br />BUSINESS DISTRICT: That portion of the City lying within and bounded by the following <br />streets: to be subsequently designated. <br />CITY: The City of Roseville, Minnesota. For purposes of Section 707.28 of this Chapter, <br />City means its elected officials, officers, employees and agents. <br />COLLOCATE or COLLOCATION: to install, mount, maintain, modify. operate, or replace <br />a small wireless facilitv on, under, within, or adjacent to an existing wireless support <br />structure or utility pole that is owned privately, or by the city or other governmental unit. <br />DEGRADATION: A decrease in the useful life of the right of way caused by excavation in <br />or disturbance of the right of way, resulting in the need to reconstruct such right of way <br />earlier than would be required if the excavation did not occur. <br />DEGRADATION COST: The cost to achieve a level of restoration as determined by the <br />City at the time the permit is issued, not to exceed the maximum restoration shown in plates <br />1 to 13, set forth in proposed PUC rules parts 7819.9900 to 7819.9950. <br />DEGRADATION FEE: The estimated fee established at the time of permitting by the City <br />to recover costs associated with the decrease in the useful life of the right of way caused by <br />the excavation, and which equals the degradation costs. <br />DELAY PENALTY: The penalty imposed as a result of unreasonable delays in right-of-way <br />construction. <br />DEPARTMENT: The Department of Public Works of the City. <br />DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR: Any person authorized by the Director to carry out <br />inspections related to the provisions of this Chapter. <br />DIRECTOR: The Director of the Department of Public Works of the City, or her or his <br />designee. <br />EMERGENCY: A condition that: a) poses a clear and immediate danger to life or health, or <br />