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except as required by FAA or FCC. <br />Where an applicant proposes collocation on a decorative wireless support <br />structure, sign or other structure not intended to support small wireless <br />facilities, the city may impose reasonable requirements to accommodate the <br />particular design, appearance or intended purpose of such structure. <br />Small wireless facility permittee shall provide Citv advance notice of anv <br />work obstructing street, bicycle or pedestrian traffic, and shall perform all <br />work in a manner that is minimally disruptive to traffic. Small wireless facility <br />permittee shall comply with Minnesota Manual for Uniform Traffic Control at <br />all times during installation, maintenance, and removal of small wireless <br />facility and/or wireless support structure. <br />Wireless facilities shall be placed in appropriate portions of the right-of- <br />way so as to minimize conflict with city infrastructure and other authorized <br />facilities. Separate application shall be made for buried cable for small <br />wireless facilitv backhaul communications. Buried cable for backhaul <br />communications purposes shall be joint trench or collocated in multi -duct <br />conduit when practicable. The citv shall retain exclusive use of citv conduit. <br />D. Small wireless facilitv aereement. A small wireless facilitv shall onlv be collocated <br />on a small wireless support structure owned or controlled by the city, or anv other citv <br />asset in the right-of-wav, after the applicant has executed a standard small wireless <br />facilitv collocation agreement with the city. The standard collocation agreement may <br />require payment of the following: <br />• Up to $150 per vear for rent to collocate on the city structure. <br />• $25 per vear for maintenance associated with the collocation: <br />• A monthlv fee for electrical service as follows: <br />a) $73 per radio node less than or equal to 100 maximum watts: <br />b) 182 per radio node over 100 maximum watts: or <br />C. signIq@f __a:_.__a_ _ _ inn. <br />c) The actual costs of electricity, if the actual cost exceed the foregoing. <br />• The standard collocation agreement shall be in addition toy and not in lieu <br />of, the required small wireless facilitv permit, provided, however, that the <br />applicant shall not be additionally required to obtain a license or franchise in <br />order to collocate. Issuance of a smal-1 wireless facility permit does not <br />supersede, alter or affect anv then -existing agreement between the citv and <br />applicant, The collocation agreement shall provide for among other things, <br />that: (i) permittee does not gain right. title or interest in citv owned <br />infrastructure: (ii) collocated small wireless facilitv and services shall not <br />interfere with public safety or public utility communications; (iii) city shall <br />have right to shut off power to small wireless facilitv to perform maintenance <br />work on citv infrastructure, after providing reasonable advance notice to the <br />wireless service provider; (iv) city makes no guarantee as to the condition of <br />anv wireless support structure with regard to applicant"'s use: (v) small <br />