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wireless facilitv shall not obstruct light emanating from street lighting <br />infrastructure used for collocation: and (vi) permittee shall be solelv <br />responsible for to maintain the small wireless facilitv in good and safe <br />condition, and shall annuallv inspect mounting brackets to ensure thev are <br />securelv attached to citv infrastructure and not causing damage or premature <br />depreciation of the asset <br />14.-E.Bv accepting a permit, telecommunications right-of-wav user agrees on behalf of itself <br />and its affiliates, successors and assigns that it will not provide video programming <br />(including, but not limited to, programming delivered using internet protocol) over its <br />facilities located within the rights-of-wav to subscribers within the Citv without first <br />obtaining a cable franchise or an open video system franchise from the Citv. (Ord. <br />1333,03-13-2006) <br />707.11: PERNHT FEES: <br />A. Excavation Permit Fee: The excavation permit fee as established by the City Fee <br />Schedule in Section 314.05, is an amount sufficient to recover the following costs: <br />1. The City cost; <br />2. Degradation cost, if applicable. <br />B. Obstruction Permit Fee: The obstruction permit fee shall be established by the City <br />Council and shall be in an amount sufficient to recover the City cost. <br />C. Payment of Permit Fees: No excavation permit or obstruction permit shall be issued <br />without payment of excavation or obstruction fees. The City may allow the applicant to <br />pay such fees within30 days of billing. <br />D. Nonrefundable: Permit fees that were paid for a permit that the Director has revoked for <br />a breach as stated in Section 707.21 of this Chapter are not refundable. (Ord. 1209, 8- <br />24-1998) <br />707.12: RIGHT-OF-WAY REPAIR AND RESTORATION: <br />A. Timing: The work to be done under the excavation permit, and the patching and <br />restoration of the right of way as required herein, must be completed within the dates <br />specified in the permit, increased by as many days as work could not be done because <br />of extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of the permittee, as determined by <br />the Director, or when work was prohibited as unseasonal or unreasonable under Section <br />707.15 of this Chapter. <br />B. Patch and Restoration: Permittee shall patch its own work. The City may choose either <br />to have the permittee restore the right of way or to restore the right of way itself. <br />1. City Restoration: If the City restores the right-of-way, permittee shall pay the costs <br />thereof within 30 days of billing. If, during the 36 months following such restoration, <br />the pavement settles due to permittee's improper backfilling, the permittee shall pay to <br />the City, within 30 days of billing, all costs associated with having to correct the <br />defective work. <br />2. Permittee Restoration: If the permittee restores the right of way itself, it shall at the <br />time of application for an excavation permit, if the Director determines additional <br />security is necessary, post an additional performance and restoration bond in an amount <br />determined by the Director to be sufficient to cover the cost of restoration. If, 36 months <br />after completion of the restoration of the right of way, the Director determines that the <br />right of way has been properly restored, the surety on the performance and restoration <br />bond posted pursuant to this subsection shall be released. <br />C. Standards: The permittee shall perform patching and restoration according to the <br />standards and with the materials specified by the Director. The Director shall have the <br />authority to prescribe the manner and extent of the restoration, and may do so in written <br />procedures of general application or on a case-by-case basis. The Director in exercising <br />this authority shall be guided by the following considerations: <br />