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2018_0516_HRIEC Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
2018_0516_HRIEC Packet
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5/24/2018 1:46:48 PM
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5/10/2018 8:58:35 AM
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Human Rights Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br /> April 18, 2018 —Draft Minutes <br /> Page 10 of 16 <br /> What- <br /> • What are best practices more broadly in the community? <br /> • What are City department's successes and struggles, and where do they see <br /> opportunities? <br /> • Consider what is already happening and understanding the process on how the <br /> engagement process is determined. <br /> • Develop a survey for City departments. <br /> Chair Holub suggested they come up with questions for a survey to the departments at the next <br /> meeting. <br /> Commissioner Beltmann offered to develop a draft of the department survey and best practices. <br /> At the next meeting, they can discuss where additional gaps are that need to be addressed. <br /> Commissioner Bolinger inquired if other cities have a similar Commission that could provide <br /> information on what they are doing. <br /> Ms. Olson stated she does not know of other Commissions similar to this one. Falcon Heights <br /> convened a task force to consider what they should do and it might be interesting to look at the <br /> report. <br /> She also referred to the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) and noted they <br /> talk about best practices for engagement and outreach. They can include it as a recommendation <br /> if they feel it would be valuable for staff to be trained in this way. <br /> Commissioner Subramanian stated they can recommend to the Council an outreach that includes <br /> a monthly program that focuses on different topics, have a City staff member present it and then <br /> broadcast it so that people can feel they are involved. It connects the City and the individual and <br /> provides a way for people to learn about different City departments and topics. <br /> Ms. Olson explained the IAP2 training starts with understanding why the outreach is being done, <br /> identifies who the stakeholders are and what their issues may be, and identifies the purpose of <br /> the outreach. It provides specific steps for engagement and outreach. <br /> Chair Holub stated she understands the Council is looking for an approach to take towards <br /> engagement and outreach, not specific ideas. <br /> Commissioner Subramanian commented it is hard to come up with steps for a project when they <br /> do not know what the project is. <br /> Ms. Olson responded they can come up with best practices to identify the purpose, a plan for <br /> outreach, and identify the stakeholders and who they are not reaching. These steps should be <br /> done regardless of what the project is. <br />
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