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City Council Meeting Minutes
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5/11/2018 10:46:53 AM
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5/11/2018 10:46:42 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, April 9, 2018 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Lee Woodruff,Avon Street, Roseville <br /> Mr. Woodruff stated he has lived at this address since 1982, and he does not be- <br /> lieve the deer survey flyover is accurate. On the day when 20 deer were removed, <br /> there were 10 deer standing in his yard. He noted that Mayor Roe has made a <br /> Saturday morning trip to his house to look at the deer tracks in his yard and in the <br /> neighborhood. Every night there are six to ten deer in his back yard. He has had <br /> nights with 11 deer walking through. In the summers, they eat his tomato plants. <br /> He noted that there were many deer tracks at the elevated gardens; they eat all the <br /> plants. There are no natural predators in this area, and the does are having twins <br /> and triplets every year. There needs to be a more aggressive stance towards the <br /> deer population. He expressed support for continuing and increasing the deer re- <br /> duction efforts. <br /> Dwenda Gjerdingen, 2553 Fisk Street, Roseville <br /> Ms. Gjerdingen agreed at the number of deer in her yard has grown over the past <br /> few years. It is not uncommon to see a dozen deer in the back yard, and her hus- <br /> band once saw 15. The yard is a thoroughfare for the deer; there is a big track <br /> that goes through the snow. She has had plant problems where they are eating the <br /> plants and they have to be fenced in. It seems to be a growing problem. <br /> Ron Duffy, 2560 Fisk Street, Roseville <br /> Mr. Duffy thanked the Mayor for coming and looking at the problem. He appre- <br /> ciates the efforts of the Council to address this. He appreciates that Parks and Rec <br /> is attempting to do something and bring some science to this. He believes the <br /> deer are underreported. The amount of deer being reduced should at least be dou- <br /> bled. He is glad 20 will be done, but he requests considering taking out more. He <br /> gets between 6 and 12 deer nightly in the backyard, and vegetation is regularly <br /> trampled and eaten. This is a serious problem, and he is glad it has the attention <br /> of the Council. <br /> Brent Martin, Fisk Street, Roseville, <br /> Mr. Martin expressed concern about public safety. He has seen a lot of deer <br /> standing around and believes someone will get hurt or killed on the nearby curvy <br /> road, and deer will also be killed. He saw one dead deer across the street earlier <br /> this winter, having been hit by a car. He is excited to think that if the deer popula- <br /> tion is reduced, the food shelves will be served too. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated that he supported the initial effort at deer popula- <br /> tion control. He does question the number taking, particularly when a day or two <br /> after the last hunt, there were six deer in his yard and his neighbor's yard. He un- <br /> derstands that aspect. He would like to look at an ongoing reduction program and <br /> continue to monitor it going forward. Ultimately, hopefully the City will reach an <br /> equilibrium where the property damage events are not happening, with increased <br /> health for the deer population. <br />
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