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City Council Meeting Minutes
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5/11/2018 10:46:53 AM
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5/11/2018 10:46:42 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, April 9, 2018 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Willmus moved, Laliberte seconded, moving forward with a removal of 20 deer <br /> in 2018/2019 and to continue with an ongoing reduction effort based upon the <br /> analysis and survey numbers. <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Councilmember Laliberte commented the deer counts are a snapshot in time, and <br /> they are under-represented. But it is on the only data available now. She is sup- <br /> portive of the proposed steps so there is consistency going forward, and deer and <br /> people can safely live amongst each other. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated it does look like there was a reduction from 52 <br /> to 43 with the last effort, so progress was made with the last reduction. The cur- <br /> rent population is just a hair below the 2008 level for total number of deer. She <br /> requested that staff create a specific plan for taking does so that progress is made. <br /> She also requested that staff look into the possibility of birth control to keep the <br /> herd healthy and at a reasonable size. She understands the problem, but the City <br /> has yet to have a serious accident reported, where someone is seriously injured. <br /> Mr. Brokke stated there have been reports of vehicles hitting deer, though no seri- <br /> ous human injuries. <br /> Councilmember Etten expressed support for the motion. He is supportive of con- <br /> tinuing to look at data as the program proceeds. He noted there has to be a bal- <br /> ance with nature, and the goal should be stable population. He asked about loca- <br /> tion of the reduction. <br /> Mr. Brokke stated staff is working closely with other agencies, but the Reservoir <br /> Woods area is a priority. <br /> Mayor Roe expressed support of the motion and also alternative methods that <br /> have been considered earlier in the process, such as birth control. The issue <br /> comes down to cost effectiveness. <br /> Mr. Brokke commented that the flyover is not real scientific. It is a simple heli- <br /> copter flyover, and what is seen is counted. It is after a fresh snowfall, so the <br /> tracks are easier to see at that point. It is a minimum number for sure. Regarding <br /> the contraceptive method staff is continually looking at that, and if it seems like <br /> something will work in Roseville, staff will pursue it. It has also been suggested <br /> by community members that Roseville act as a test site for birth control, and if <br /> there are opportunities for that, staff will pursue it. In terms of male/female, that <br /> conversation was had with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and sometimes it <br /> is difficult to identify the difference between male and female. <br /> Roll Call <br />
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