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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 7, 2018 <br /> Page 11 <br /> "mall ownership and applicant ownership shall execute a parking alloca- <br /> tion agreement so as to provide no less than 42 parking stalls for exclusive <br /> use by applicant's customers. " <br /> Councilmember Laliberte and Etten agreed with the amended language. <br /> Councilmember McGehee commented that there is a problem in this entire area, <br /> but the Council is only being asked to look at a particular item. Until the City <br /> gets its governance in order, piece-meal decisions will continue to be made. <br /> Councilmember Willmus indicated he is not opposed to drive-thrus in general or a <br /> drive-through at this location. He does not like how the site is laid out. <br /> Mayor Roe spoke in support of the motion. There are conditional uses in place to <br /> work through these uses to make the projects work. As has been stated, these <br /> changes to the parking lot will make improvements to the flow and safety of the <br /> parking lot. The Council is looking at this from the higher level. Issues remain <br /> with the Snelling pedestrian crossings, and public statements have been made in <br /> planning documents to that effect. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Laliberte, Etten and Roe. <br /> Nays: McGehee and Willmus. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> 7. Recess City Council Meeting <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the regular City Council meeting at 7:47 p.m. <br /> Mayor Roe convened the Economic Development Authority at 7:47 p.m. <br /> 8. Convene Economic Development Authority (EDA) <br /> a. Adopt a Resolution Supporting Local Subsidy for Colder Products Company <br /> (CPC) to Locate New Headquarters at 2814 Cleveland Ave <br /> Community Development Director Collins briefly highlighted this item as de- <br /> tailed in the RCA and related attachments dated May 7, 2018. She noted that <br /> Colder Products has identified as 2814 Cleveland Ave as their new global head- <br /> quarters for approximately 388 employees, up to potentially 486 by 2022. Due to <br /> significant site challenges, CPC is seeking environmental remediation dollars and <br /> also looking for redevelopment subsidy by way of a brand-new TIF for the site. <br /> The subsidy request is approximately $3 million, $2 million of a redevelopment <br /> TIF based off a preliminary TIF run by Ehlers, and approximately $1 million in <br /> HSS dollars towards remediation. These figures are very preliminary, depending <br /> on environmental conditions. Several representatives of CPC are present to talk <br /> with the Council. <br />