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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 7,2018 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Colder Products presented a 4-minute video providing an overview of the compa- <br /> ny. <br /> Brian Thompson, CFO for Colder Products Company, thanked staff for moving <br /> CPC through this process. He described the history of the company, noting it is <br /> the leading provider of quick disconnect couplings. Operations are currently in <br /> the U.S., Germany and China. The markets served are primarily bioprocessing <br /> medical device, which is two-thirds of CPC's business. Currently there are 3 fa- <br /> cilities in very close proximity together in the St. Paul area. The desire is for a <br /> 150,000 square foot headquarters. Customers are constantly demanding higher <br /> and higher levels of cleanliness in the production space. The goal is to be opera- <br /> tional in the springtime of 2019. CPC looked into two regions for a new head- <br /> quarters. Minimum wage increases are putting a lot of pressure on wages. An- <br /> other option is to expand the production in China. Roseville, however, is the pre- <br /> ferred site. The deal is contingent upon the incentives being discussed tonight; <br /> the ability to acquire the land at a fair price; and Board approval from the Dover <br /> Board of Directors. He also presented a preliminary drawing of the proposed <br /> headquarters. <br /> Member McGehee asked what type of work is being done in Minnesota. <br /> Mr. Thompson responded that a significant amount of engineering work is done <br /> in product development, engineering to customers' needs. There are welding pro- <br /> cesses and assembly operations that occur. <br /> Member McGehee asked whether CPC intends to turn this into a manufacturing <br /> facility. She is asking because she is interested in distribution as well. <br /> Mr. Thompson stated CPC is an engineering and a manufacturing company. Ver- <br /> tically integrating means extending manufacturing processes. Selling and distrib- <br /> uting out of the facility will continue to happen. It is typically small parcel UPS. <br /> There are larger trucks that do service the site, but the majority is small parcel. <br /> Member McGehee noted there are 192 salaried employees with an average salary <br /> given. She asked about what the median salary was for this group of 192. <br /> Mr. Thompson noted he does not know that, but he can make a guess of probably <br /> in the $80,000 range. <br /> Member McGehee expressed concern about CPC wanting to move out of Minne- <br /> apolis because of wages. <br /> Mr. Thompson noted the starting wage is in the $14 range. Minneapolis mini- <br /> mum wage has been increased to $20 an hour. <br />