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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 7, 2018 <br /> Page 18 <br /> Councilmember Willmus commented that over the last few years, housing costs <br /> have rapidly outpaced wages. Other communities are dealing with that too. It is <br /> something to be mindful of and plan for. With regard to the Met Council, they <br /> would like a chance for six months' review with no intervening amendments to <br /> existing Comp Plans submitted by cities . <br /> Ms. Perdu commented that the Met Council process is different than the six- <br /> month process for adjacent communities. <br /> Councilmember Willmus recalled that the Met Council has discussed expanding <br /> their timeline for review. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte recalled at a Metro Cities meeting, there was a discus- <br /> sion on a six-month freeze on Comp Plan changes. <br /> Community Development Director Collins provided an update on the issue: orig- <br /> inally, the plan was to start a moratorium in June for a six-month period, to allow <br /> the Met Council to review Comp Plans. However, they received an outcry from <br /> the development community. The Met Council Board will be meeting next month <br /> to look at delaying the moratorium until December, still for a period of six <br /> months. <br /> Mayor Roe asked what happens if an amendment is submitted during that time <br /> period. <br /> Community Development Director Collins clarified it does not halt the City's <br /> process. It halts the Comp Plan amendment from getting approved. <br /> Councilmember Willmus commented that a future date,maybe the Council can <br /> take up a resolution suggesting the Met Council to back away from that type of <br /> timeline. He also asked about the importance of starting off with the narrative <br /> with the land history from 500 million years ago. He asked why that section does <br /> not begin from when Roseville began zoning property. <br /> City Planner Lloyd commented that is an excerpt from a 2002 planning effort, <br /> which provided a longer historical document. The point is that the City's earlier <br /> traditional planning efforts did not have equity as a concern or a lens. In this case, <br /> there was a document that is rich about the history of the natural environment and <br /> skipped to 1850 when settlers began arriving in St. Paul. There is quite a lot of <br /> history of that aspect of Roseville's development. The lead-in in the narrative is <br /> to indicate there is a lot of planning history of different kinds. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated that does not tie in with the opening paragraph. <br />