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December 15, 1992 <br />-T!M �• • y' '�" � �. <br />The Soaorable ldayor aad City Council: <br />Submitted herewith is the proposad 1993 Aaaual Budget. <br />•-rV��_.�:�1�;.r .�.: <br />The �ncloee3 1993 8udget contiau�s the City'a traditioa of <br />�ound fiacal m:..-.agemeat, aad yet provides for maiatainiag the <br />current level e..d quality of •ervice in a manner the community <br />has come to axpect. <br />The budget has beea formulated aithia the tollowiag objectives: <br />1. To provide a vrell plsnned, Mrell maaaged meane of ineetiag the <br />City'e aeeds now aad ia the future, while maintaiaiag the <br />best possible credit ratiag. <br />2. To assure a•afe, sacure aad pleasant co�unity in which <br />familiee may live aad work. <br />The budget documeat consiete of three sectioae. <br />Sectioa I 1s the Introductory •ection, aad containe the Table of <br />Coateats and Lmtter of Traaemittal. The Letter of Traasmittal <br />includee a discueaion of the overall directioa of the budgat, an <br />explaaatioa of several major programe iacluded ia the budget, aad <br />a budget overview •ectloa coataiaiag summary iaformation oa tax <br />levy, revenues, aad axpanditures. <br />Saction ZI 1e the Fiscal Policiee •ectioa. This •ection iacludee <br />a•et of policies to guide the City'o fiaaacial plaaaiag and <br />decieioa making. The 1993 8udget ie ia compliance with the <br />City's fiscal policies. <br />Sectioa ZII ie the Program Budget •ectioa, aad coatains the pro- <br />gzam descriptioae aad budget information for the iadividual pro- <br />grame. <br />gtate Aide <br />Duriag the past •avaral yearo, the State's fiscal woee have <br />diractly affected maay of the aarliar commitmeat. to provide <br />property tax rolief through various State fiscal sharing. <br />Ia 1991 the City received a cut in it■ Local fioverament Aid (Lc3A) <br />of $230,400 reeultiag in aid being recaived of 511,600. Ia 199Z, <br />the City will receive ao L(iA and it is very likely a cut of .3+t <br />in BACA (Somestead Credit) may occur ia December. (The cut is <br />basad oa State rsveau� performance. <br />1 <br />