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Pavemeat Manaaement Proaram <br />The Pavement Managemeat Program (PMP) is a tweaty year program <br />begua in 1986. The first aight years of the program iavolve a <br />major effort to recoastruct all roadwaye that are aot ia good <br />coaditioa. This phasa will be completed in 1995. During the <br />initial phaee, the City will recoastruct approximately 3.8 milee <br />of roadway per year, at aa anaual cost of two million dollnre. <br />Ia the sscoad phase the volume of reconetructioa, ae well ae the <br />anaual program costs, aill be reducad substaatially ae the focus <br />chaagee to praventiva mainteaaace. <br />The program hae bean vary succeseful aad well received, as <br />demoaetratad by tha positive raactioa of reeidmats in completed <br />aeighborhoode, aad by the fact tbat the requeste from residente <br />foz street reconotruction excaed the level of fuadiag for the <br />program. <br />rke �nrevement Procram <br />The major new iaitiative begaa ia the 1991 is the Parka Improve- <br />mant Program (PIP)• The PIP Program ie desigaed to provi?e for <br />the long-term maiateaance, repair, aad raplacemeat of the ::ity's <br />pazk facilitiae. The geaeral operatioa of the program ie to move <br />through each of the City's parks, based oa an evaluation of park <br />coaditioa, to accomplish a total rapair, renovatioa, or replace- <br />ment of all major facilitiee ia aach park. <br />Becauee some facilities co�oa to a number of parke are currently <br />in need of subetaatial reaovation, •uch as teanie courte and <br />shelter buildiage, the iaitial ysare of the program will focus oa <br />theee facilitiea. The focus will then .hift to the targetiag of <br />individual pazke. <br />Thie program, modelad after the highly �ucceeeful paviag mariage- <br />ment program, is ehowiag outetandiag success as well and is <br />axpectsd to be oontinumd oa for .-he £orseeeable future. <br />:SIJI H -Y • ' :i' ' �' <br />The inteat of thie overview is to provide <br />Budget, aotiag Bigaificaat changes from <br />overview addresses four major arwae: Ta�c <br />Capacity Ratae, Reveauea, and 8xpnaditures. <br />ax Cavacitv <br />a •vmmary of the 1993 <br />the 1992 Budget. The <br />Capa ity, Levy and Tax <br />Tax legiolatioa passed ia 1988 iaitiated the use of the term "Tax <br />Capacity° ia place of "A.sesred Valuatioa" a. a meaeure of <br />property value as a baee for property taxation. The City'e Net <br />Tax Capacity (NTC) for 1992 wa• 531,692,039. The 1993 Net Tax <br />Capacity ie d�tmrmined to be, $33,574,069. <br />7 <br />