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Accowzting System and Budgetary Control (Continued) <br />In developing and altering the City's accounting system, consideration is given <br />to the adequacy o£ internal accounting controls. Internal accounting controls ; <br />are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance regarding the ' <br />safeguarding of assets against loss from unauthorized use or disposition and ' <br />the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and <br />maintaining accowitability for assets. The concept of reasonable assurance <br />recognizes the cost of a control shoulcl not exceed the bene[its likely to be <br />derived and the evaluation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judg- ', <br />ments by management. ', <br />All internal control evalua.tions occur within the above framework. lNe believe <br />that the City's internal accounting controls adequately safeguard assets and <br />provide reasonable assurance of proper recording of financial transactions. <br />A budgetary system of accounts is maintained for the general and special <br />revenue funds. Control is maintained by the use of a purchase order system ' <br />and the continuing review of actual expenditures compared to budgeted amounts. ', <br />Budget revisions are done upon approval of a resolution by the City Council. ', <br />The financial statements of revenue and expenditures compared witlt the budget , <br />in this report would reflect these revisions. Reserve for encumbrances is ' <br />reported as part of the fund� Ualance at the end of the fiscal year. <br />The City and Its Services <br />The funds included in this comprehensive amival financial report are controlled <br />by or dependent on the City of Roseville. Determination of "controlled by or <br />dependent on" is based on criteria developed by the Federal Bureau of the Census. <br />The criteria deai with existence as_,a_n organized_entity, governmental character, <br />_ _. _ <br />and substantial autonomy. Based on these criteria, the various funds and a.ccount <br />groups, whicll are all the fund and account groups of the City shown in the table <br />of contents, are included in this report. <br />The City provides a full range of municipal services. This includes police, <br />fire, parlcs and recreation, public improvements, street maintenance, sanitary <br />sewer and water utilities, planning and general administrative services. <br />City Financial Acti.vity Highlights During 1981 <br />1) Moody's Investors Service assigned a bond rating of Aa-1 from Aa. <br />2) General Obligation Temporary Improvement Bonds of 1951 were sold at a net <br />interest rate of 10.23%. <br />3) The City Council adopted a resolution which provides for Industrial Revenue <br />Financing as permitted under Dlinnesota Statutes, Chapter 474 for industrial <br />and commercial projects. <br />4) On June 14, 1981, a tornado passed through the City, causing extensive damage <br />to private and public property. The City paid �153,978 from the Li.quor Fwid <br />in reconstruction of property damaged by this storm. <br />5) The Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada <br />awarded a Certificate of Conformance in Financial Reporting to the City for <br />its comprehensive amzual financial report for tlle fiscal year 1980. <br />-�- <br />