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Special Revenue Funds <br />The Recreation Fund accounts for the revenues and expenditures in the <br />administration, maintenance and participant activities sections o£ the <br />Parks and Recreation Department. Revenues come irom general property <br />taxes and charges for service. This department administers all park <br />and recreation programs, including the golf course and ice arena, and <br />is responsible for the maintenance in all twenty-four City-owned parks. <br />The Federal Revenue Sharing Fund accounts for the revenues and expenditures <br />of revenue sharing monies. The "State and Locai Piscal Rssistance Act of <br />1972" as amended in 1976 an� 1980 provides the City with these Federal <br />Revenue Sharing Funds. Revenue sharing funds from 1972 thru 1982 were <br />$1,925,510, including funds of $173,473 for 1982. <br />Debt Service Funds <br />These fim ds are used for the accumulation of monies for payment of general <br />obligation bond principal and interest. Property taxes provide the necessary <br />revenue, The City has an $850,000 issue for the City [Iall, dated May 1, 1975, <br />and a�650,000 issue for parks, dated June l, 1962, outstanding in this fund. <br />Capital Projects Funds <br />Capital projects funds are used to account for financial resources used for <br />the acquisition of capital facilities and equipment. <br />Tlie Public Works Reserve Fund was established by City Ordinance No. 378, and <br />can be used for any purpose authorized by P�iinnesota Statute 471.57. <br />The Permanent Improvement Fund accoimts for expenditures made during the <br />construction, renovation or installation of £acilities of a permanent <br />nature. Revenue to finance these improvements came from general property taxes, <br />interest, and transfers, E�penditures of $11S,31S were nade from this fund. <br />The Equipment Fund accounts for the purchase of heavy machinery and other <br />motorized type equipment. Revenue for the financing of this equipment comes <br />from the using department, general property tax and transfers made from otlier <br />funds. Expenditures of $153,291 were made from this fund. <br />The State-Aid Street Construction Fund accounts for money received from gasoline <br />tax collections apportioned to tlie City from the State for street construction. <br />This money becomes available to the City when specific construction projects are <br />approved by the State. <br />The State Grant Recreation Fund accotmts for monies to be used £or the acquisition <br />of land and the development of parks. <br />- �- <br />