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previous years' financial and nonfinancial data. <br />Section IV contains the single audit schedules and reports. <br />The City's financial statements incl>>de all funds, account <br />groups, departments, agencies, boards, �ommissions, and other <br />organizations over which City offici-vis exercise oversight <br />responsibility. <br />Oversight responsibility includes such aspects as appointment oL <br />governing body members, budget apgroval of property tax levies, <br />outstanding debt secured by City full faith and credit or reve- <br />nues, responsibility for funding deficits, and others. <br />As a result of applying the criteria of NCGA Statement 3, tne <br />Fire Relief Association and Independent School Districts #621 and <br />#623 have been excluded from the City's Financial statements. <br />Economic Condition and Qutlook <br />Summary of Local Economv <br />The Metropolitan area continued to be economically strong in 1989 <br />despite the general decline o£ the major area compucer manufac- <br />turers, with unemployment at approximately 3.7$ as compared to <br />the U.S. average of 5.3�. Roseville, as part of suburban Ramsey <br />County had an unemployment rate of approximately 2.9�, illus- <br />trating a significant stronger economy in our immediate trade and <br />employment area. <br />The most recent retail sales data indicates the City of Roseville <br />is continuing to be one of the major retailing centers of the <br />Metropolitan area. Retail sales within Roseville have increased <br />21� in 1988 and the higher level of such sales are expected to <br />continue on into 1989. The rate of growth was due pr�marily to <br />higher automobile and home furnishings sales. Because of Rose- <br />ville's development as a major retail center, we would expect a <br />continuing higher level of growth than that of the State as a <br />whole. <br />Major Industries <br />The softening of the computer market was fel�-by Roseville in <br />1989 as the City's two major employers, Unisys Corporation and <br />NCR Comten had a substantial drop in total employment numbers. <br />Total employment of those two organizations dropped from approxi- <br />mately 8,000 to 5,000 in 1989. The commercial, retail and insur- <br />ance sectors continued to grow substantially in line with the <br />expansion of those markets. <br />Future Economic Outlook <br />The �Ietropolitan Council has estimated that Roseville will have <br />45,000 jobs by 2000. While the achievement of that goal is <br />subject to general market conditions, Roseville's redevelopment <br />and economic program appears to place the City in an excellent <br />L <br />