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CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) <br />DECEMBER 31. 1990 <br />Note 1- Sumnarv of Sianiticant Accountin9 Policies (Continued) <br />expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. Government resources are altocated to and accounted for in <br />individuat funds based upon the purposes for uhich they are to be spent and the means by uhich spending <br />activities are controtted. 7he various funds are grouped in the financiat statements report into seven <br />generic fund types and three 6road fund categories as fotlows: <br />GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS <br />GeneraL Fund - The General Fund is the primary operating�fund of the City. It is used to account for aLl <br />financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another tund. <br />Special revenue funds - Special revenue funds are used to account for the proceeds of certain specific <br />revenue sources that are legatty restricted to expenditures for specitied purposes. <br />Debi service funds - Debt service funds are used to accouM for the accumutation of resources for, and <br />the payment ot general long-term debt principaL, interest, and related costs. <br />Capitat projects funds - Capiiat projects funds are used to account for finantiat resources to be used <br />for the acquisition or construction of major capiial facilities other than those financed 6y proprietary <br />funds. <br />PROPRIETARY FUNDS <br />Enterprise Funds - Enterprise Funds are used to account tor operations that are financed and operated in <br />a manner similar to private business enterprises, uhere ihe intent of the governing body is that the <br />cosTs (expenses, including depreciation) oF providing goods or services io the 9eneral public on a <br />con[inuing 6asis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. The City has five Enterprise <br />Punds: uater UYitity Fund, Seuer Utility Fund, Storm Drainage fund, Golf Fund and Ire Arena Fund. <br />I�ternal Service Funds - Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing ot goods or �� <br />services provided by one depariment or agency io oiher departments or agencies of the City. The Ci2y has �. <br />two InternaL Service Funds, they are: tJorkers' CompensaCion Self-lnsurance Fund uhich attounts for the <br />City's uorkers' compensation c�aims, and the Risk Management Fund which accounts for all of the City�s ��� <br />general insurance costs. � � <br />FIDUCIARY FIJNDS <br />Agenry funds - Agency Funds are used To account for the assets held by the City in a trustee capacity or <br />as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governments, and/or other tunds. The City�s <br />Agency Funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabiliiies) and do not involve measurement of results <br />of operations. - <br />C. Measurement focus <br />The accounting and reporting treatment applied To The fixed assets and long-Term liabilities associated <br />uith a fund are determined by its measurement focus. Governmentat funds and Expendable Trust funds are <br />accounted for on a spending or "financiaL tlou" measurement focus. This means that only currenC assets <br />and current liabilities are generally included on their batance sheets. Their reported tund. halance is <br />30 <br />