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❑ TY OF ROSEVILLE, M[NNESO?A <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (WNTINUED) <br />DECEMBER 31, 1990 <br />Note 1- Sumnarv of Siqnificant Accountinq Poticies (Continued) <br />considered a measure of "avaitable spendable resources." GoverrmentaL fund operating statements present <br />increases (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other tinancing <br />uses) in net current assets. Acrordingly, they are said to present a sWnriary of sources and uses of <br />"available.spendable resources" during a period. , <br />Fixed assets used in governmentat fund iype operations (general tixed assets) are accounted for in the <br />General Fixed Assets Account Group, rather than in GovernmentaL Punds. Public domain generat fixed <br />assets consisting of certain improvements other than buSldings, including roads, 6ridges, cur6s and <br />gutters, streets and sidewaLks, and lighting systems, are capitalized along uith other generat fixed <br />assets. No depreciation has been provided on general fixed assets. <br />Long-term tiabiLities expected to be financed from goverrvnental funds are accounted for in the General Long- <br />term Debt Acwunt Group, not in the governmentat tunds. The account groups differ trom "tunds" in that they <br />are not involved uith measurement of operations. They are concerned only with the measurement of financial <br />position. � <br />Noncurrent portions of long-term receivabtes due to governmentaL funds are reported on their batance <br />sheets, in spite ot their measurement fows. However, speciat reporting treatments are used to indicate <br />in all governmeMal funds that they should not be considered "available spendable resources", since ihey <br />do not represent net current assets. Recognition of revenues in these funds represented by noncurrent <br />receivables are deferred untiL they become wrrent rereivables, <br />Bewuse ot their spending measurement focus, expenditures recognition for governmental fund types excLude <br />amounts represented by noncurreM tiabitities. Since they do not affect net wrrent assets, such long- <br />term amounts are not recognized as governmental fund type expenditures or fund liabilities. They are <br />instead reported as liabilities in the General Long-term De6t Account Group. <br />Proprietary funds are accounted for on a cost of services or "capital maintenance" measuremeM focus. <br />This means that all assets, including fixed assets, and� all liabiLities, incLuding long-term liabilities <br />associated with their activity, are intluded on their balance sheets. Their reported fund equity is <br />segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings components. The operating statements ot the <br />funds present increases (revenues) and decreases (expenses7 in net total assets. <br />D. Basis of Accounting <br />. The modified accrual basis of acrounting is used by all goverrvnentat fund types, expendable trust funds and <br />.. agency funds. Under the modified accrual basis ot acrounting, revenues are recognized uhen suscep[ible to <br />accruat (ie., when they become both measurabte and availahle). "Measurable" means the amount of the trans- <br />'� action can be determined and "available" means coLlecii6le uithin the curreni oeriod or soon enough thereaf- <br />ter to be used to pay liahilities of the current period. ihe city considers property taxes as avaitable if <br />they are collected within 60 days after year end. Expenditures are recorded uhen the related fund liability <br />� is incurred. Principat and interest on generel long-term debt are rzcorded as fund liabitities uhen due or <br />� uhen amounts have been accumutated in the debt servire fund for payments io be made early in 2he foLlouing <br />year. <br />3l <br />