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NOTES TO FINARCIA� STATEMENTS (CONTiNUED) <br />DECEMBER 37, 1990 <br />Note 1- SumnarY ot Siqnificant Accountinq Poticies (Continued) <br />Those revenue susceptible to accrual are property taxes, special assessments, �icenses, interest revenue and <br />charges for servites. State aids held by the siate at year end on behalf of the goverrvnent also are recog- <br />nized as revenue. Fines, and permits are not suscepti6te to accrual because generalty they are not measura- <br />bLe until received in cash. <br />The accrual basis of accounting is utitized hy proprietary fund types, pension irust funds and nonexpendable <br />trust funds. Under this meihod, revenues are recorded uhen earned and expenses are recorded at the time <br />liabitities are incurred. Unbitted utility service receiva6les are rerorded at year end. <br />The government reports deferred revenue on its combined batance sheei. Deferred revenues arise uhen a <br />potentiat revenue does not meet both the "measurahle" and "available" criteria tor recognition in the <br />currenf period. Deferred revenues atso arise uhen resources are received by the goverrvnent betore it has a <br />legal claim to them, as uhen grant monies are received prior to the incurrence of qualifying expenditures. <br />In subsequent periods, when both revenue recognition criteria are met, or when the goverrment has a legal <br />claim to the �esources, the liability for deferred revenue is removed from the combined balance sheet and <br />revenue is recognized. <br />Expenditures are generatly recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting <br />uhen the reLated fund liabitity is incurred, except for principal and inierest on generat long-term debt <br />uhich is recognized uhen due, and accumulated unpaid vacation and compensatory time otf uhich are recognized <br />when paid. <br />E. Budgets and Budgetary Accounting <br />The City adopts an annual 6udget for the General and Speciat Revenue funds uhich are prepared on fhe <br />modified accrual basis of accounting. The adopted budget indicates the amount [hat can be expended by . <br />each fund based on detailed budget estimates for individual expenditure accounts. Att 6udget revisions, at <br />the fund level, must be auChorized hy the City Council at ihe request of the City Manager. The Council, � <br />under Minnesota State Statutes Section 412.731 can modify or amend the budge[ if unappropriated funds are <br />available. Budget modificaiion uas necessary in 1990. The generat tund uas amended by the amount of �. � <br />8711,500. Atl supplemental appropriations uere financed either by 2ransfers from ihe ConTingency Section of <br />the General iund budget or by revenues received in excess of the budgeted amounts. Alt budget amounts (apse <br />at the end of the year to the extent they have not been expended. The level uhich expenditures may noT � <br />legally exceed aporopriaiions is at the fund leve L . <br />F. Assets, Liabilities and Fund Equity <br />investments - City investments are wrried at cost, which approxfmates market. (See note 3 for disclosures <br />relating to cash management and investments.) Imestments reported in the deferred compensation pLan are <br />reported by ihe plan's trustees ai market value. <br />Property Taxes - Property tax levies are set by the City Council in October each year and are ceriified <br />to the County for collection the following year. In Minnesota, coun[ies act as coCteciion agents for att <br />property taxes. <br />32 <br />