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8ection III fs the statistical s�ction Mhich includea the <br />previous ytars' financial aad aonfinanc�<1 data. <br />B�ction Zv contains tbe auCitor raports on ao�pliancs and intor- <br />n:2 acntrols. <br />The Citgrs fiaancia! stat�aEnts includ� all funds, account <br />qroups, dsparteanta, aqonci�s, boards, aosaissions, anQ othar <br />orqsnisations oner rhich Citp offfcials •aercis• overaiqht <br />rssponsibility. <br />oversight responsibility iacluflo• �uch aspocts aa appointsent of <br />qoverninq body sembers, budq�t approval, approval of proparty tag <br />levies, outstaadinq dabt n�cur�Q bp City full faith and cr�dit or <br />revanuaa, respoasibility for fundiaq a�ficits, and othars. <br />�s a rosult of applpinq th• critaria of NCGA 8tatomont 3, th• <br />Fire Relief Association and Indepaad�nt 8chool Diatricts /621 and <br />�623 have been �acludad from tb� Citp's Fiaaaeial statamsnte. <br />Econotic oondition aad oatloor <br />Summarv of Local Economy <br />The •conomy of 1[etropolitan Trrin Citp area Maakeaed somevhat ia <br />1991, however aot noarly as saverely as th• aation as a vhole. <br />IInamployment ended the pear at approsimataly 5.2� as compared <br />to the II.B. averaqe of 6.��. Rosevill�, as part of suburban <br />Ramasy Couaty had an unemployment rat• of approaimatoly 3.9�, <br />illustratinq an siqnificant etroaqer �aono'y in our immadiate <br />trade and ampiopmtat arsa. <br />The soet rocent rotail salss dat <br />is conYinuinq to be one of the <br />x�tropolitan araa. Rataii :ales <br />compouaded qrovth over the past <br />the •tata-�►ide averaqe of 5.3�. <br />Dtaior induatrias <br />a indicatas the City of Rosaviile <br />aajor retailinq c�nters of the <br />Mithin the city have had a 8.8� <br />5 p�ars. This rate comparos to <br />The two largest Rosavill. snployars, IInispe Cozporation and NCR- <br />Comtan Corporation, aontiauod to stabilis• durinq 1991 Mhfl• aany <br />smallar coaoerns �apanded and aontinuad to sdd to tbe emplopmant <br />baas. <br />The addition of retail space duriaq 1990 and 1991 has increaaed <br />•ubstantfally th� �mplopm�at and �conoaic inportanc� of that <br />s�ctor of th� araa •eonony. <br />Future Economic outlook <br />The Motropolitan Council hae •stimat�d that Rosaville vill hava <br />45,00o joba bp the yaar 2000. 11 steady growth from today's level <br />ana a qrorth that vill �xcaad th• City's population. Zt is <br />2 <br />