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�zp�ct�d Ros�vill�'a population qrovth will remain ateady at <br />approximat�ly 34,000. <br />Th• City's activ� �coaomic dov�lopaont proqram has •atabliahad a <br />numb�r of n�v and qroMinq busin�ss�s. Both r�tailinq and liqht <br />industrisl ar• gaininq atrenqth and a number of projecta movinq <br />fo=Ma=d in 1992 rill coatinu� to �nhanc• the futur� �conomic <br />viability of Ros�vill�. <br />Cit= Initiati��s iad ?inincial =iqhliqhts Duriaq i!!i <br />Tn• City provid�s a full ranq� o! aunicipal asrvices as <br />authori$�d bp Stat• statut�. Thia includ�a qsneral qovarnment, <br />public saf�ty, public works, parks and r�cr�ation, Matar and <br />s�r�r 'utiliti�s and community dev�lopa�nt. 1►ithin thoas arsae <br />o! r�aponsibiliti�s, th� City's qoals !or 1991 w�r�: <br />1. To oontinu� to impl�m�nt tL� �aoaomic r�dov�iopm�nt of ar�as <br />in th� City vhich contaia obsolot• and lov valu• truck <br />t�rsinals. <br />Z. To oontinu� to �mphaais� housinq d�v�lopm�at throuqh new <br />aoastruction and r�habilitatioa and �nhanc�m�nt of curreat <br />` housinq atock. <br />3. To impl�m�nt a park improv�a�nt proqraa rhich vili provid• <br />!or upqradod roaraational araas and Mell �quippad playqround <br />ar�as. <br />Th� Citp achiaved a�v�ral of th� goals abov� and b�lov are aum- <br />aari�s of thos• r�sults. <br />1.'Squitabl• &ra1 Batat• Invostmont I�tanaqamant Iac. beqan a major <br />r�modolinq of th� Rosadal� 8hopping Center Mhich rill add appros- <br />imat�lg $4.5 aillion of valuo. <br />Th� City asaiat�d NCR-Comten in conaolidatinq their �nqiaeez- <br />inq and devalopment oparationa in Roaeville. This conaolidation <br />rill r�sult in approsimat�lp 30o n�w joba and $9 million of <br />additional payroli in 199z. <br />2. a:a�or housinq,d�velopa�nt for th• Concordia sita wae ap- <br />pzoved Mhich rill provid• $8.5 aillion of a�w property value to <br />th� community. <br />3. ]1 ner Park Improvemeat Proqram (PZP) ras b�qun in 1991 rhieh <br />provid�s !or an annual inveatmant in upqradinq and improvinq the <br />park sad op�n spac• infraatructur�. Th� annual commitm�nt by th� <br />a ���.,,..�... <br />Th� Citp nill conLiau� <br />to �mphasis• th� •conomic and quality or <br />� <br />