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aasets. The concept of reasonable aasurancs recoqnizaa the coat <br />of a control should not ascead th� banafita lik�ly to ba darivad, <br />aad th• �valuation o! coata and b�nefita r�quiraa �atimatea and <br />judqmanta by sanaq�=ont. all int�zaal control •valuations occur <br />Mithin th� abov� tram�work. w� b�li�v� that th• City's int�rnal <br />accountinq eontrols ad�qust�ly saf�quard aaa�te and provid� <br />zsaaonabl• assuranc• of prop�r r�cordinq of financial transac- <br />tions. <br />7� budq�tary syat�a of accounts is uintain�d for tha qsaoral and <br />sp�cial r�v�au• funda. Control is aaintain�d by th• usa of a <br />puzchas• ord�r systom aad th� continuinq r�vi�r of actual <br />�zp�nditur�s compar�d to budq�tad amounts. Budq�t ravisioae are <br />don� upon approval of a z�solution bp th• City Council. Tha <br />linancial atat�a�nts of z�v�nu� and �spenditur�e compar�d Mith <br />th� budq�t ia this raport Mould r�fl�ct thes� ravisions. Reaerva <br />for �ncumbranc�s is r�port�d as part of th• fund baianc• at tho <br />�ad oi th� tiscal <br />c�...,�.� so��r�eat <br />Ganeral 8uad <br />yoar. <br />l�mctioas <br />The tiea�ral;Fund accounts !or all linancial traasactions not <br />prop�rlp account�d for in anp oth�r fund. R�v�nu�s (includinq <br />op�rstinq'traasf�rs) of th� G�a�ral Bund totai�d $5,�20,521, an <br />incr�aa• o! $ 121,151 froa 1990. Ezpsnditur�a (including operat- <br />ing transf�ra) !or th• ci�n�ral lund total�d $5,901,844 an ia- <br />ar�as• o! $315,274 over th• pr�vious y�ar. Tha fund balanc� <br />decrsaa�d;bp $181,3Z3, and raa $3,132,731 at the ead of the year. <br />Th� fund balanc� is availabl• to provide Morkinq capital for the <br />lund unt31 tas a�ttlemanta ar� r�c�ived in July aad D�cember of <br />�ach yoar, to provid� funds foz unkno�rn �vonta vhich vould hav� <br />an adv�rao •ff�ct on tha lund, and to holp finance futura budq- <br />�ts. Th� City has desiqnat�d $2,834,879 of thie balance for <br />vorking aapital, $291,511 for vaoation pay and compensatory <br />tim� otf aad a roserve of $6,3�1 !or the polico druq forfeitura <br />proqram <br />Th• amount of r�v�nus from vazious sourcea and the chanqes from <br />laat poar ar� ahovn in the tolloMinq tabulation: <br />Ravanue 8ource <br />Gonoral prop�rty tasos <br />Li'cene� and ;p�raita <br />Interqov}rna�ntal <br />r�v�nu�' <br />Charqes<!or a�rvlc• <br />Pines aad lorf�ita <br />liiec�llan�ous <br />TotallR�vaau� <br />1991 <br />ount <br />$ 2�598,117 <br />181�003 <br />Iaareaae Percent <br />P�rcant (Docraase) of <br />of Total From 1990 Chanae <br />45.4$ $(150�604) (5.5) <br />3.2 10�993 6.5 <br />1�304,426 22.8 <br />1�294�888 22.6 <br />115,190 2.0 <br />226,897 4.0 <br />8 5,720,521 100.0 <br />( 51�763) (3.8) <br />257�043 2�.8 <br />10157 1.0 <br />54.325 22.9 <br />S 121,151 2.2 <br />