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lif� qoala to aasurs a community that ia attractiv� to p�opl• for <br />livinq and competitiv for jobs and buaineas snvironment. <br />Dapartmental Sarvic• Iaorovam�nts <br />Coatractiag 8ar�ids <br />In 1990, th• City •at�rad into an aqraamont rith the City of <br />Falcon Soiqhts to provids polic• s�rvicoe. That aqreament was <br />�zpand.d in 1991 to includ• th. proeiaion of s•rviasa to the City <br />o! Laudardal�, a naarby community xith a population of 2,700. Ts <br />addition, sn administrativs aervicoa contract vas �ntared into <br />rith Laud�rdal• to provido city administrator s�rvic�a on a <br />r�qular and coasistant baaia. <br />Ros�vill��s l�ad�rship in aontractinq s�rvic�s haa b��n oft�n <br />citad in 1991 as an �YIIIDpl• o! local qovarnmenta Morkinq toq�ther <br />to provide aor� valuo to thoir taxpayors. <br />Eoonoiic Da�elop�ent-acti�itT csatar <br />NCR-Comtan approached th• Citg sor aeaiatanct in consoifdatinq <br />enqinaeriaq and adminiatrativ oparations in Ro�.villee Thsir <br />roquost xaa for th� Citp to purahas• 14 acrea includinq a build- <br />ing thay had baen uainq for a training lacility. Tha City aqraad <br />and •asontiallp achi�v�d two aajoi obj�etivos: <br />. <br />Providod inc.ativ� !or NCR to ramaia in th� Community and <br />Sacur•d a very uaabl� facility for a zacraatioaal activity <br />c�ntor includinq play and park ar•ss. <br />In th� lonq tarm, ths City hss securod an ascsllent locatioa !or <br />lutur• houainq or oconomic �zpansion whila in tDa short-term, the <br />community haa qaiaed badly aeaded r�creational apaca. <br />�iaanaial Zntoaaatioa <br />Accountinv svatem and Budqatarv Controi <br />The accountinq epatom providss !or a conpl�ts, eelf-balancinq <br />account qroup for �ach f�xnd of the City. Accouatinq racords are <br />aaintain�d on tb• aodifi�d accrual basis for tIIo qovernmantal <br />typ� fuada and truat and aq�ncy fund, and tha accrual baaia of <br />accouatinq ia utilised for th� proprietary type lunds, aa defined <br />ia th� not�s to th� financial statamoats. <br />Zn d�v�lopiaq and alterinq th• City's accountinq ay�t�m, <br />consid�ration is givon to th� ad.quacy of iatarnal accountinq <br />controls. Znternal accoun�inq controla ar� dsaiqned to provida <br />r•asonaDl�, bnt not absolut�, assuranc� rogardinq tho <br />saf�quardinq o! aaa�ts aqainat loss froa unauthorised uae or <br />Ciaposition and th� r�liability of financial recorda tor prepar- <br />inq fiaancial statementa and aaintaininq accountability for <br />4 <br />