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Purpoa• <br />ci�a�ral !Fund ; <br />Bondod <br />D�bt Funds <br />J►11 Othar <br />Fuads <br />Total Taz Rat� <br />Bu�cial Ravanu <br />1991 1990 <br />7.80 3.86 <br />4.02 8.1� <br />2•37 2.57 <br />14.19 � <br />1989 1988 <br />3.90 7.6{ <br />5.10 4.36 <br />2.10 2•59 <br />1987 1986 <br />7.55 7.�2 <br />3.24 3.16 <br />3.40 2.68 <br />11.10 14•59 14.19 13.56 <br />Th� R�cz�ation Fund aceounts for th� r�v�nu�s aad �zp�nditur�a in <br />th• administration, aaint�nana• and participaat activitias <br />soctions o! th• Parks aad R�cr�ation Dapartaant. Rev�nuas come <br />froa g�n�ral prop�zty taz�s and aharq�a for s�rvic�. Tbia <br />d�parts�nt adainist�rs all park and r�cr�ation proqrams, <br />includinq th• qolf course aad 1c• arena, and is responaibla for <br />th� maintonanw in all tw�ntp-thr�� City-ovn�d parka. <br />Th• 8conoaic Dev�lopmint Fund aecounts for th• r�venu• and <br />���nditur�s us�d to promot� �conomic d�nolopmsnt in th� City. <br />Th� Charitabl� Gamblinq Fund accounts for lunds coli�ctad bp tho <br />City lroa lia�ns�d charitabl� orqanisstions to aov�r th� costs of <br />�aforcemwnt,of City qamblinq ordinancea. <br />Th� T�l�aommu <br />cabl� t�l�nisi <br />cstion �qu3pm� <br />and aomput�rs. <br />Dobt Sarvic• F <br />ications Fund aceounta !or the revanusa of th� <br />n tranchis• fees and th� �zpanditurae for aommuni- <br />�t includinq cabl• proqramiaq, aobil• �quipment, <br />Th�s• funds ar• usod for the paymont of qenaral obliqation and <br />tsz incr�mont bond priacipal aad int�r�at. Prop�rty tases, <br />aaseaamenta to beaetited propeztiea, atate :id and tag incremanta <br />provide the noceasary revenue. Th� Citp has $200,00o in qeneral <br />obliqation bonda, $13,260,00o ia q�aoral obliqation improvement <br />bonda, $1,745,000 of qaaeral obliqation atat� hiqhMay boads, and <br />$21,530,000 in qeneral obliqation tas iacrament bonda outatandinq <br />at th� �nd of 1991. <br />Caoital Proiocts Funds <br />Capital proj�cts fuade ar• us�d to account for 2inancial <br />r�aources ua�d foz th• acquiaition o! capital faciliti�a and <br />�quipment. <br />sa�nt Smprovom�nt Fund accouata !or �zp�nditur�a mad� <br />�� conatruction, raaovation or inatallation of facilitisa <br />aan�at natur�. R�v�nu• to finaace thsat improvementa <br />i qsaoral prop�rty taz�s, int�r��t aad int�r-qov�rnm�ntal <br />Expaaditur�e of $1,114,803 r�re =ad• lrom this lund in <br />9 <br />