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1991. <br />Th• Squipment Pund accounts for the purchase of heavy machinary <br />aad other aotoris�d typs equipm�nt. Revenu� for ths fiaancinq of <br />thia �quipmant comsa lrom th• ua�r departmont, inter�at, inter- <br />qovornmaatal rovonus, and prop�rty tases. 1991 �apandituras made <br />from thia fund N�I• $625,4�5. <br />Tho Stat• Grant R�cr�ation Fund accounta for moniaa to be used <br />for th. acquiaition of land and th• dev.lopment of parka. <br />Th� Minn�sota Stat� aid f�nd �ccausts for rev�nues and <br />•zp�nditur�a vhich ar• to be ua�d for tbe conatruction and <br />racoastruction of projecta to b� funded rith state Aid aoniea. <br />Th• 2afrastructur• Raplacamant fund accounts for ree�nuea and <br />�xpanditur�s r�lat�d to raplac�ment of public improvamants which <br />ar• b�ing primarily fundod froa a sp�cial tu l�vy. <br />The Spacial Assaesmant Construction fund accounts for all monias <br />rhich ar� diractlp associatod with public improvmante fundod <br />lzom apacial asaesaments. <br />Tho Sconomie Zncraa•ats Construction Fund vsa •stablish.d i� �990 <br />to accaunt for the revenues and azpenditurea of additional incre- <br />aents raceived in asceaa of the bondad tas iacremant dabt sarv- <br />ic�. <br />Th� Taz incramaat Projact Fund was �stablished to account for tha <br />r�venuea and �spend3turaa for th� 0arious projecta aasociat�d <br />vith th� creation ot the v:rious tsz increaant linancinq <br />districta. <br />�'az Increment Districta <br />Th• Citp Council took action on October 13, 1982, to form a <br />liunicipal Devalopmeat Diatrict and two Taz Sacr�ment Financinq <br />Diatricts, rrith as additioaal Davalapmeat Hi�trict aad Tag <br />Incrament Finaneiaq District b�inq formed in 1984. In 1985, the <br />City aubstantially �odiliad ita Tax Increment Plans to create one <br />dovelopmont district and s�v�ral tas incrament districte. <br />!1s of D�camber 31, 1991, th• Citp haa twalva taz incremant die- <br />tricta. <br />Th� City Council is z�aponaibl• for ad=iniat�rinq ths tas <br />incromant proj�cts. <br />Trust and Aqencv Fund <br />The Northvoet Youth 8ervic• Bur�au is a a�parate nonprolit <br />orqaniaation vhich was •atabliahod under a joint poMara aqreement <br />botvaon th� City of Rosavilla and othez qovernmoatal units. In <br />acoordanc� rith th� t�ras o! th� aqr��ment, th• City provid�a <br />accountinq aorvicse to the Hureau. <br />e <br />