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CITY Of ROSEVILLE. MIMNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANCYAL STATEMENTS CCONTINUED) <br />DECEMBER 39. 1991 <br />Note 7- Sunnerv of Sianifieant Aeeantina Ooticies (Concinued) <br />experditures, or expenses, �s appropriate. Goverrmmt resourees ve allxated to end accounted tor in <br />irdividwt funds based upan the purposea for whieh they are to be spent end the means by whieh spending <br />aetivities are controlled. The verious ttrds src prayed in the finaneiat atatements report into seven gmeric <br />fund types erd three broad fvd eate9ories es follan: <br />COVERNMENTAL FUNDS <br />General Furd - The Generel Fund is the prim�ry operetinp fvd of the CiEy. It is usad ta aceount for att <br />finarxiel reaources excepf those required to be xeanted for in another fvd. <br />Speei�l reverw� fvds - Sqcial reverwe fvds sre used to ueant for the prxeeds of eertain specitie revenue <br />soureea th�t ere legally restrieted to experditures for speeifiad purposes. <br />Debt service fvds • Debt serviee fuds are usad to ueov�t for the �eewuletian of resourees for, and the <br />peymmt of peneral lorg-terin debt prineipsl, intereat, ard related eoets. <br />Capitsl projects fvds- Capitel projeats fuds are uscd to xeant for fineneial resourees to be used for the <br />ecquisition or eorutruction of inejor capital facilities other than 4hose finmuced by proprietary funds. <br />PROPRIETARY Fl1ND5 <br />EnYerprise Furds • Enterprise Fvds are used to seeant for aperations that ere tinaneed and operated in e <br />memer simitsr to private business enterprises, �ahere the intmt of the governing body is 4het the costs <br />(expmses, inetudinp depreciation> of providinp yooda or serviees to tbe peneral publie on a eontinuing basis <br />be finanetd or recovercd p�imarity through user charpes. The City has five Enterprise FWs: Yater Utility <br />Fvd, Serer Utility f�+d, Storn� Orairoge Fvd, Golf F�nd and lee Arens Fund. <br />Internel Service Fvds - I�ternel Service FvWs ere used to xcant for the fironciny of yoods or servioes <br />provided by one depsrtment or epeney to other depertmmts or epenciea of the City. The City hes two internal <br />Servi�e Fvds, they ere: Yorkers' Ca�pensation Self•Irourance Fvd yhieh seeants tor the City�s Workers� <br />�co�ensetion elaims, erd the Risk Management Fvd rhich xcanta tor �ll of the City's generaL insurence costs. <br />FIDUCURY fUNDS <br />1lyency t�nds - Aqency fuds ere used to xcant for the �saeta hetd by the City in s trustee tepecity or es an <br />agent for iMividwta, private or9�+�=�tiona, other povenmants, erd/or other fvds. The City's Agmcy Fwds <br />ere eustodSel in roture (asaets equel lieEil(N es) �rW do ro4 involve meeaurewmt of results of operations. <br />C. Measurement Fxus <br />The �ccantinp erd reportirq treetmmt apptied to the fixed eaaets and lonq-terrn li�bilities essociated with <br />� fW sre detennined by its nmesurc�nent fx�n. Gove�rw�entel fvda ard Eapendsble Trust fuds are accantcd <br />for an s sperdfnp or "tinencist fla�" �eesurcemt focus. This K�ns that mly currmt assets end currmt <br />tiebilities are peneratly ircluded on their Wlance sheets. Their reported fvd bslence is considered a <br />� <br />