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. � � CIiT OF ROSEVILLE MINNESOTA <br />.� MOTES TO i1NANCIAI STATEMENTS CCONTINUED) <br />� � � � DECENBER 37. 1997 <br />NaSs�t - Sumurv of Sianificant Aeeantirw Ootici�a (Contirwed) <br />iaeasuro �of 'av�iU6le eperdeble resourtes. Goverrwnt�l fvd opentinq statemmts present inereases <br />(reverwes ard other firnneinq sources> ard deeropa (eaperditures wd other finaneinq uses> in net <br />ourrent assets. Acco�dtrpty they ere ssid to prxent � suerry of �ourees and uses of evaiteble <br />..apendeble�reeourees durinp a period. <br />fixcd assets used in goverrnientel f�nd type opentiora (parxrsL fized essets) ere accounted for in the General <br />Fix�d Assets�Accant �Lroup r�the� than in Goverrnwnt�l Fvda. Gubie datiin 9enerot fixcd assets eonsisting <br />of sertsin.i�rovemenLs other then buildinpa ineludinp rwds bridpes eurbs end putters streets end <br />. .sidew�lks. arM .liphtinp syate�ns are eapitelized alonp �ith other pensrol fixed essets. wo depreciation has <br />bem.providad�on genersl fixad sas�ts. <br />Larg.-tetm liebilities expeetcd to be fin�nccd froni poverrvnmUt fvds �re xeantad for in the Generel long Term <br />, .Oebt�Aeeant Grotp not in tM povermental fv+ds. The aeoant 9roupa differ frax •fvWs" in that they ere rwt <br />imolved yith ae�surswient of oper�ttorro. They sn eamernsd anty with the messuraront of fineneie[ position. <br />Moneurrent.po�tian af���tonp-tena reeeivables due to povermm�t�l fuds �ro reportad on their betanee sheets <br />in spite of �:their��:mea�uremmt fxua. Noweve� speeist reportirg tre�tments ere used to irdiaate in a <br />poverrnent�l �funda thK ���they �should not be eoruider�d "ev�ileble sperWeble resources" sinee they do rwt <br />rap'esant net��:eurrent esaeta. Reeognitian of revenues in these fvds represented by rwneurrent ree�ivables are <br />deferrad until .they becane ourrmt rxeivWlea. <br />Bseeuse of thei�:sperdinp��messurement fxus, expenditures rKopnition for poverrmentet furd types exetude <br />enw�nts represmted�by�rwneurrmt liabilities. Since they do not sffect net currmt assets such tong term <br />emounts ero�rat recognixed ss governnental f�rd type eaperditures or fund lisbilities. They ere instead <br />reported as li�bilities in the GenerN Laq•ten� Debt �ceant Graq. <br />Praprietary fvds lrc �accanted for on a eost oi services or "eapital rintenence" neesuremmt focus. This <br />nieam th�t sll �ssets,�����ioetudirq fized sssets, wd •ll liebilities, inelWinq tong-term liabilities <br />nsoeiated �with their,��utivity, �re inelWed on their b�lanee aheets. Their reported fv�d equity is <br />seprepatad into eontributed�espitat end retained earninpa eaiponenta. The apentinp statemmts of the funds <br />presmt inereases <reverwes>.�nd deereeses (expensea) i� net toul usets. <br />D. �.Basis of:llccantirq'. .... ... <br />Tbe:modified �ccrwt �.basis �af xeantirp is used by � 9overrnimtal f�nd types, experdebte truat funds and <br />aqeney f�nda.�����Unier�the�nndified ecerwt besis of ucov+tinp, revmues ere retoqoixed yhm susceptible to <br />uerusl (ie., �.�when they becanr both ineewrable ard svsileb�e). "MesaureblC niesns the emount of the <br /> determined erd "evsilable" wearo cotteccible within the wrrmt period or soon mough <br />thereefter to�be.used to psy liabiiiies of the eurrmt period. The city taeuiders property taxes ss evailable <br />if tbey �rekolleetad within 60 d�ya atte� yeer erd. Experditures �n recorded rhm the rcteted fvd liabiity <br />is ineur[ed. �irinciql �end internt m 9�n1 torq•tem debt �re recorded n tv+d liebiities wAm due or when <br />uro�+its h�ve�:been�xcunul�ted in tAe debt �ervite fvd for p�ymenN to be m�de e�rty in the folloring yeer. <br />31 <br />