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Future Economic Outlook <br />The Metropolitan Council has eatimated that Roseville will have <br />45,000 jobs by the year 2000. A ateady growth from today's level <br />and a growth that will exceed the City's population. It ia <br />expected Roaeville's populatfon growth will remain steady at <br />approximately 34,000. <br />The City's active economic development program has established a <br />number of new and growing bueinesses. Both retailing and light <br />induatrial are gaining atrength and a number of projects moving <br />forward in 1992 will continue to enhanca the future economic <br />viability of Roseville. <br />City Initiatives snd F+�Arrial Sighl�ght8 During 1992 <br />The City provides a full range of municipal eervices as author- <br />ized by etate etatute. This includes general government, public <br />safety, public works, parks and recreation, water and eewer <br />utilities and community development. Within those areas of <br />responeibilities, the City's goale for 1992 were: <br />1. To continue to implement the economic redevelopment of areas <br />in the City which contain obsolete and low value truck <br />terminals. <br />2. To continue to emphasize housing development through new <br />construction, rehabilitation and enhancement of current <br />housing stock. <br />3. To secure a recreational ekating facility neceseary to <br />achieve a national and international site etatus for olympic- <br />quality epeed akating, bandy and in-line ekating. <br />The City achieved several of the goale above and below are sum- <br />maries of those resulte. <br />1. New office-warehouse space totaling 71,132 equare feet and <br />over $4 million of value was added in the I-35W corridor. The <br />sitee for these projecta were the result of redevelopment and <br />created not only new value but contributed aubstantially to the <br />esthetics of the area. <br />2. The City, in cooperation with Firstar Sanks, implemented a <br />housing improvement loan program for which $250,000 was provided <br />from tax increment funde. As of December 31, 1992, 11 homeowners <br />had participated in the program. <br />It ie expected the program will be expanded in 1993 to other <br />community banka resulting in an increased number of ,participants. <br />3. The State of Minnesota and the City of Roseville have en- <br />